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Which is better PHP developer or Android developer?

Which is better PHP developer or Android developer?

I recommend you to go with Android course. If you learn Android, its not just you are will learn Android, you will learn Java, XML, and also other few computer languages. If you learn Android, for sure you have the knowledge of Java and you can easily understand PHP because of XML which you could learn in Android.

Is PHP needed for Android development?

PHP is a great programming language when it comes to using it as a backend for Android application. It requires Android login as well as registration which are very common and essential scenarios. We will be using the PHP script in order to connect to the MySQL database.

Which is better Android development or web development?

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Overall web development is comparatively easier than android development – however, it majorly depends on the project you build. For example, developing a web page using HTML and CSS can be considered an easier job in comparison with building a basic android application.

Can I make app with PHP?

Huge news: Millions of PHP developers can now build mobile apps for iOS and Android — in PHP.

What is a PHP developer?

What is a PHP Developer? Quite simply, a PHP developer is a professional who develops applications, programs, and websites, using the dynamic scripting language called PHP. Sounds easy enough, right?

What is the difference between Android development and web development?

Android and web development have totally different career scopes. The web developer uses different programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. The web developer can be a front-end web developer, back-end and developer and full-stack web developer.

What does an Android developer do?

Android developers create apps for the Android operating system. It’s a complicated field and requires the developer to learn multiple programming languages related to mobile development such as Java and Kotlin.

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Is Android or web development a better career option?

On the other hand, android developers are relatively lesser in numbers than web developers, so they are slightly in greater demand. Developers skilled in both android and web development would have the highest demand overall because it will open up much more career opportunities for them in both the developing fields. 5. Learning Curve