Tips and tricks

Which is correct schedule for or schedule of?

Which is correct schedule for or schedule of?

“For” is more correct, because ”for” modifies the event. “Of,” describes the event. Example: to be “of” something means it is part of the the something. So it means the schedule COULD be “of “the event, but the schedule really is “for” the event because it is a happening, a verb, in regard to the supposed event.

Is scheduled for correct English?

“Scheduled for’ is better grammar, but it could also read like “he is scheduled to appear at/before a confirmation hearing. The two are just used for different grammatical structures.

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Is it in or on the schedule?

on the schedule vs in the schedule. Scheduled items are written “on” a screen or a piece of paper, not “in” it, so use “on the schedule” instead of “in the schedule.”

Is there a plural for schedule?

The plural form of schedule; more than one (kind of) schedule.

What does it mean to be on schedule?

Definition of on schedule : at the time expected : on time The bus arrived on schedule.

Can we reschedule to or for?

If you were saying scheduled, you should use “for”. Rescheduled, however, may use either “for” (which slightly emphasizes the new date) or “to” (which slightly emphasizes the fact that the time is being moved.)

Are we on schedule meaning?

Proceeding within the expected or planned schedule or timetable; neither late nor early. We’re still on schedule to arrive at 09:30.

Where are timetables used?

A timetable is a kind of schedule that sets out times at which specific events are intended to occur. It may also refer to: School timetable, a table for coordinating students, teachers, rooms, and other resources.

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Why do we use schedules on projects?

The schedule essentially transforms the project from a vision to a time-based plan. Schedules also help you do the following: They provide a basis for you to monitor and control project activities. They help you determine how best to allocate resources so you can achieve the project goal.

What is the difference between ‘is scheduled’ and ‘has been scheduled’?

They’re both correct and they both describe the exact same situation. “Has been scheduled” focuses more on the action which took place to schedule the meeting, but both are forms of present tense, passive voice. You could argue that “is scheduled” is verb+adjective complement, similar to “the store is closed / has been closed.”

What does “the meeting will be scheduled in the next week” mean?

The problem is that ‘The meeting will be scheduled in the next week” is ambiguous: it could mean two different things. It could mean, “We will hold the meeting next week”. If so, say, “The meeting will be scheduled for next week”. But it could also mean that you will draw up the schedule next week.

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What does my interview was scheduled on the 26th mean?

My interview was scheduled on the 26th of June for the 27th of June at 8:00 AM. This sentence means that on the 26th, two people agreed, “let’s have an interview tomorrow.” The 27th is when the interview (presumably) actually took place.

Is the sentence ‘he is scheduled for a confirmation hearing’ terribly written?

It is equally clearly not the use made by writer of the OP’s quotation. “Scheduled for’ is better grammar, but it could also read like “he is scheduled to appear at/before a confirmation hearing. It’s terribly written because the style is inconsistent.