
Which is much better life in the olden days or the modern days?

Which is much better life in the olden days or the modern days?

IT IS official – life really was “better in the old days”, according to a new study. Half of adults over the age of 50 agree that life in the past was preferable to today, compared to just 19 per cent who think the present day is best.

What are the advantages of olden days?

Always being surrounded by loved ones. Low time pressure. Low stress. Low competition.

Are we healthier today than we were a hundred years ago?

In the past 100 years, the average lifespan has increased by about 25 years. At the same time, we’ve increased the burden of disease. We’re living longer, but not healthier. Most chronic diseases and cancers occur in the later part of life, in the 25 years of life we’ve gained thanks to modern medicine.

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What is the difference between life in the past and today?

Life in the past used to be much slower and people had more resources and more living space available to them. Now the world is more crowded and resources have depleted significantly. On the contrary modern life is much easier and convenient due to introduction of new technologies.

Which is better modern life or traditional life?

Now the world is more crowded and resources have depleted significantly. On the contrary modern life is much easier and convenient due to introduction of new technologies. You gotta live with what you have and try to make it better for yourself. What is better traditional life or modern life?

Is life easier or harder for the poor today?

Our poor live much better than the poor of centuries or decades ago. On the surface it’s easier. Everyone will have a different outlook. I do believe we have complicated life and made it more stressful.

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Why is today better than the past?

People can be self-taught fairly easily, medicine increases longevity, and technology allow us to interact and understand others and improve comfort and safety in our lives. I am with because today is better than past because these day we go in but in past we walk this make us tired but these day we don’t get tired because we go in car .