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Which loop can be used when the number of times the statement in loop has to be executed?

Which loop can be used when the number of times the statement in loop has to be executed?

In a counting loop, the computer knows at the beginning of the loop execution how many times it needs to execute the loop. In Python, this kind of loop is defined with the for statement, which executes the loop body for every item in some list.

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How do you repeat a loop for a certain amount of time?

To repeat something for a certain number of times, you may:

  1. Use range or xrange for i in range(n): # do something here.
  2. Use while i = 0 while i < n: # do something here i += 1.
  3. If the loop variable i is irrelevant, you may use _ instead for _ in range(n): # do something here _ = 0 while _ < n # do something here _ += 1.

Which loop statement will be used to execute the statements infinite number of times?

In an exit controlled loop, a condition is checked after executing the body of a loop. It is also called as a post-checking loop. The control conditions must be well defined and specified otherwise the loop will execute an infinite number of times.

Which loop is best to use if the loop may or may not need to run at all?

Therefore, in this basic example, a Repeat loop is the better choice.

Which type of loop is best to use when you know in advance how many times the loop will execute?

In general, you should use a for loop when you know how many times the loop should run. If you want the loop to break based on a condition other than the number of times it runs, you should use a while loop.

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Which looping construct is used to run a loop for infinite time?

An infinite loop is a looping construct that does not terminate the loop and executes the loop forever. It is also called an indefinite loop or an endless loop.

What are the different types of looping statements in C?

Depending upon the position of a control statement in a program, looping statement in C is classified into two types: 1. Entry controlled loop 2. Exit controlled loop In an entry control loop in C, a condition is checked before executing the body of a loop.

What is the use of while loop in C programming?

The while loop in C. Loops are used to execute statements or block of statements repeatedly. For example, suppose we want to write a program to print “Hello” 5 times. One way to achieve this is to write the following statement 5 times.

How many times can a statement be executed in a loop?

In Loop, the statement needs to be written only once and the loop will be executed 10 times as shown below. In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instructions that is repeated until a certain condition is reached.

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How do you use multiple expressions in a for loop in C?

In C, the for loop can have multiple expressions separated by commas in each part. For example: for (x = 0, y = num; x < y; i++, y–) { statements; } Also, we can skip the initial value expression, condition and/or increment by adding a semicolon. For example: int i=0; int max = 10; for (; i < max; i++) { printf(“\%dn”, i); }