
Which MBTI type holds grudges?

Which MBTI type holds grudges?

ISTJs truly hold a grudge when they are deeply hurt. They will remove this person from their life immediately. It’s also hard for ISTJs to trust so they have a hard time letting someone in, so once they do and they are hurt, then they have an even harder time trusting people when they are betrayed.

Does INTJ have anger issues?

INTJs certainly experience anger, although they prefer to remain in control of their emotions as best they can. The INTJ might find themselves having frustrated outbursts, without entirely realizing where this is coming from.

What MBTI is the most forgiving?

Diplomats (89\%) Diplomats agreed the most, with the greatest agreement of any personality type coming from Assertive Protagonists (ENFJ-A), at over 93\%. This Role possesses the Feeling trait, which is commonly associated with a tendency to empathize and forgive.

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Which personality type is most likely to hold a grudge?

Perhaps the most sensitive of all the personality types, INFJs take it hard when someone they trust lets them down. They tend to hold on to anger longer than they should and are capable of holding a grudge even when the other person has apologized, repeatedly, for their wrongdoing.

What do intjs value most in life?

What we really value is what we do with it. This is because INTJs don’t view intelligence as a static thing (you’re either “smart” or “not smart” and that’s that). We view intelligence as a constant process of learning more about the world. As a result, accomplishing things in the world matters a lot.

Do intjs agree with you More than you think?

We agree with you more than you think (really). INTJs can be argumentative. But, unlike most people, we don’t always argue because we’re upset. We argue because we like to test out new ideas. This can lead to major communication problems. For example, we may argue for something as a hypothetical only to have other people think we really believe it.

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What is the biggest pain point for intjs?

In fact, many INTJs identify with the story of Cassandra, the ancient prophet who was cursed to see the future but never have anyone believe her. It’s probably our biggest pain point as human beings.

What are intjs like as emotionally?

For a personality type known as “robots,” INTJs have a deep emotional core. We keep this largely hidden from the world, not as a protective measure but simply because we tend to view feelings as private. Expressing them in public is awkward, like forgetting to put on pants. But those feelings are surprisingly sensitive.