
Which paper is toughest in UPSC?

Which paper is toughest in UPSC?

Those who appeared are waiting eagerly for UPSC Prelims Result 2021 and have started preparing for the UPSC Mains 2021 after analysing their paper through the UPSC Answer Key released by various unofficial sources. UPSC CSE is considered to be the toughest exam in India.

Are there 2 optional subjects in UPSC?

What is the Optional Subject in IAS exam? For the civil services examination, UPSC provides a list of optional subjects. Candidates have to choose one optional for the mains exam. The optional subject has two papers and each paper accounts for 250 marks.

Is Cracking Upsc very tough?

It depends on the individual’s interests and preparation style. Sure, the UPSC exam can be called tough because of the factors as mentioned above. But, as said before, it is not unassailable. If you follow a strategy and prepare with direction and in the right approach, you can easily crack this exam.

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How many papers are there in UPSC Mains and optional subjects?

The optional subject has two papers and each paper accounts for 250 marks. Candidates can choose from the list of optional subjects that also includes literature subjects (English and Indian languages). The papers for the examination will be descriptive in nature. Each paper for UPSC mains exam will be of three hours duration.

Is agriculture a scoring optional in UPSC Mains?

In the recent past, Agriculture has emerged as a scoring optional in UPSC mains. The syllabus for Agriculture Paper 1 has significant overlap with GS in mains and in Prelims. However, Paper 2 has concepts related to Botany.

How much is the weightage of optional paper in UPSC exam?

In spite of the fact that the weightage of the optional paper is just 500 marks out of 2025 marks according to the most recent pattern of UPSC Civil Services exam, it is still an integral factor in the final ranks because of the inconsistency related to General Studies Papers (1000 marks GS + 250 marks essay) and Interview (275 marks). 1.

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What is the UPSC optional syllabus for Literature?

The UPSC Optional Syllabus is at the honors degree level higher than an undergraduate degree level. But, lower than the master’s degree level. So, the candidates can opt for literature UPSC Optional Subjects as an optional paper. Moreover, one’s choice of optional can influence your success chances in UPSC Exam.
