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Which religion does not believe in rebirth?

Which religion does not believe in rebirth?

However, the different eastern religions like Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism have differed in their faith on rebirth. Further, the Islam as well as the most dominant religion of the world, Christianity, having its origin in the west, have largely denied reincarnation, though some sub-sects still show interest in it.

What does rebirth mean in Buddhism?

Rebirth is an eschatological notion that denotes a continuation of life after death. According to the Buddhist doctrine the cycle of rebirths has no beginning and is maintained by ignorance, craving, attachment, and the fruition of the karmic forces that determine the nature of future existences.

Do Buddhists reject reincarnation?

Buddhists don’t believe in transmigration of soul from one body to another as propagated in the Bhagawad Gita . They reject the idea of a soul as a false concept. Rejection of Reincarnation. Buddhists don’t believe in reincarnation but rather in rebirth ( Punna Bhava ). Rejection of Vedas .

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Why do buddists beilive in reincarnation?

Basically, Buddhists believe in reincarnation as, if they do not work accordingly from one life to another, the burden of Karma due to the negative behavior will cause the person to be embodied in beings considered inferior to human, such as animals, or plants.

How can any Buddhist believe in reincarnation?

Basically, Buddhists believe in reincarnation as, if they do not work accordingly from one life to another, the burden of Karma due to the negative behavior will cause the person to be embodied in beings considered inferior to human, such as animals, or plants.

What did the Buddha say about reincarnation?

Of course the Buddha wouldn’t have used the word “reincarnation” because that’s English (we’ve been talking on Meta recently about some difficulties translating Buddhist vocabulary into English). This article, Buddhism and Death, says, We can thus make a clear distinction between the terms “Reincarnation” and “Rebirth.”.