
Which sector gives more jobs?

Which sector gives more jobs?

Tertiary Sector usually provides more job opportunities in urban centre because most of the basic goods will manufacturing in primary sector and secondary sector but the real work will take place in tertiary sector by transportation selling products and many more so tertiary sector gives more job opportunities…

Why are there more tertiary jobs today?

The tertiary sector is the main growth area. Most people work in hospitals, schools, offices and financial services. Also, as people have more free time and become wealthier there is a greater demand for leisure services. Therefore more jobs become available in the tertiary sector.

Which sector is more important primary or tertiary?

Primary sector is more important than the tertiary sector, because tertiary sector is dependent on the primary sector. The tertiary sector cannot work until and unless the primary sector is working efficiently.

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Which sector provides the biggest employment in India?

The agricultural sector is the largest employer in the Indian economy. It employs nearly 51\% of the labour force in India. However, this sector accounts for only about 17\% of India’s GDP.

Is secondary or tertiary sector more important?

Secondary sector is important because it is use to convert the primary sector goods into other forms which are used by consumers. Tertiary sector is important bcoz it involves almost 50\% of our population. It provide employment to uneducated and unskilled workers too.

Why is tertiary sector better?

Better technology and improved labour productivity have enabled a higher output of manufactured goods and agriculture with less labour. This increased productivity has led to: Increased incomes of workers to spend on services. Spare labour to be able to work in the more labour intensive tertiary sector.

Which sector provides second largest employment in India?

Notes: MSME sector is the second largest employer after agriculture in India. It provides employment to almost 111 million people.

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Which sector has the largest employment?

Industries with Largest Employment

Rank Industry 2020 Employment
2 Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals 5,648,700
3 General medical and surgical hospitals; private 4,719,300
4 Full-Service Restaurants 4,325,700

Why secondary sector is important?

(i) The Secondary sector contributes more than 20\% to the GDP of India. (ii) It provides employment to the people. (iii) It provides goods to the people like cloth, sugarcane, iron and steel. (iv) The Secondary sector promotes the development of the Primary and the Tertiary sectors.

What is the difference between secondary and tertiary industries?

The secondary or manufacturing sector are all jobs that transform the raw materials into elaborated products. Like wood for example, there are factories that make chairs. The industry, crafts, and construction all form part of the secondary sector. The tertiary or service sector are all jobs that offer a service to the public.

What is the primary and secondary sector?

The primary or production sector are all jobs from which raw materials from plants and animals are obtained. In this group, we can find agriculture, farming, forestry, fishing and mining. The secondary or manufacturing sector are all jobs that transform the raw materials into elaborated products.

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What are tertiary jobs in the knowledge sector?

Tertiary jobs = White-collar jobs. Quaternary activities are specialized tertiary activities in the ‘Knowledge Sector’ which demands a separate classification. There has been a very high growth in demand for and consumption of information-based services from mutual fund managers to tax consultants, software developers and statisticians.

What are the three types of sectors of an economy?

In this lesson, we will explore economic change by discussing the three types of sectors of an economy: primary, secondary and tertiary.