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Which Spanish accents are hardest to understand?

Which Spanish accents are hardest to understand?

Chilean Spanish is the hardest Spanish to learn. 4. If you can understand Chilean Spanish, you can understand anything in the language.

Do Mexicans have an accent in Spanish?

No matter what your language is. Mexicans have different accents. The most known is Central-Mexican (chilango accent) because it is used in almost every Mexican TV show exported, like telenovelas. But there is also North-west accent, North-east accent, southern accent and many others.

Which Spanish accent is easiest?

The main advice is that if you are going to use Spanish in Europe, you should learn Spanish from Spain, and the opposite for Latin America. Some writers say that Latin American Spanish is easier for beginners, even some regions/countries within America (e.g. Central America, Colombia, Ecuador) are easier than others.

How to recognize different Spanish accents?

So, the best way to recognize different Spanish accents is to learn what to listen for and then compare. A great way to do this is to watch movies and TV series from Spanish-speaking countries.

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What are the different types of Latin American accents?

1 Castilian. Castilian is the language of Madrid and northern Spain and is quite easily identified. 2 Mexican. Mexican Spanish is another distinct accent that has unique characteristics. 3 Argentinian. Due to its heavy Italian influence, the Argentinian accent is quite singular. 4 Caribbean & Coastal Latin America. 5 Colombian.

What is the accent like in Medellin?

The most notable accent is from Medellin and its surrounding areas. Oddly enough, the people from this area also use ‘vos’ instead of ‘tu’ and the corresponding verb form just like in Argentina. The accent has a more musical quality to it and many people find it very pleasant to listen to.

Why is the Argentinian accent so singular?

Due to its heavy Italian influence, the Argentinian accent is quite singular. It has a sing-song quality to it and they pronounce ‘ll’ as ‘sh’ instead of the ‘y’ sound you usually hear (same goes for Uruguay). In addition to this, Argentinians use ‘vos’ instead of ‘tu’ as in most other Spanish-speaking countries.