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Which subnet mask is used for a Class C network?

Which subnet mask is used for a Class C network?
Class C networks use a default subnet mask of 255.255. 255.0 and have 192-223 as their first octet. The address 192.168. 123.132 is a class C address.

How do I choose a subnet mask?

The first and last addresses are reserved: the first to identify the network and the last to be used as the broadcast address.

  1. Find host range.
  2. Convert to binary.
  3. Calculate the total number of hosts per subnet.
  4. Calculate the number of subnets.
  5. Verify the total number of subnets.

What is the subnet mask for a 22?
Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

Addresses Netmask
/ 24 256
/ 23 512
/ 22 1024
/ 21 2048

What is a 28 subnet mask?

/28 — 16 Subnets — 14 Hosts/Subnet. Network # IP Range. Broadcast. .0.

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What are the 3 classes of subnet mask?

Class A, B, and C networks have natural masks, or default subnet masks:

  • Class A: 255.0. 0.0.
  • Class B: 255.255. 0.0.
  • Class C: 255.255. 255.0.

How do I find my IP subnet?

To calculate the IP Address Subnet you need to perform a bit-wise AND operation (1+1=1, 1+0 or 0+1 =0, 0+0=0) on the host IP address and subnet mask. The result is the subnet address in which the host is situated.

What is 19 subnet mask?

Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

Addresses Netmask
/19 8192
/18 16384
/17 32768
/16 65536

What subnet mask is 252?

Subnet Mask Information

Number of Addresses Number of Bits Mask
1 K 10 255.255.252
2 K 11 255.255.248
4 K 12 255.255.240
8 K 13 255.255.224

What is the default subnet mask for a Class C IP address?

Class C IP Addresses For Class C IP addresses, the first three octets (24 bits / 3 bytes) represent the network ID and the last octet (8 bits / 1 bytes) is the host ID. Class C IP Addresses range from to, with a default subnet mask of (or /24 in CIDR).

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What is a subnet mask and how does it work?

With a subnet mask, devices can look at an IP address, and figure out which parts are the network bits and which are the host bits. Then using those things, it can figure out the best way for those devices to communicate. If you’ve poked around the network settings on your router or computer, you’ve likely seen this number:

Why is the default CIDR value of the subnet mask 24?

Because IP address that we are using here belongs to Class C and default CIDR Value of Class C is 24. We are using /25 here. That means No of subnetted bits = 25-24=1. That means if we use /25 subnet mask (, it will create 2^1=2 sub-networks. And we don’t even have to change the Network.

What is the Class C mask for a network with 10 hosts?

For example, if you have eight networks and each requires 10 hosts, you would use the Class C mask of Why? Because 240 in binary is 11110000, which means you have four subnet bits and four host bits.