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Which triangle has the minimum area?

Which triangle has the minimum area?

I think, the isosceles triangle will have minimum area. Let, the each side of the equilateral triangle be 2a. So, the perimeter of the triangle is 6a. Therefore, area of the equilateral triangle is {(√3)*(a^2)}.

Is an isosceles triangle the same as an equilateral triangle?

An isosceles triangle therefore has both two equal sides and two equal angles. An equilateral triangle is therefore a special case of an isosceles triangle having not just two, but all three sides and angles equal. Another special case of an isosceles triangle is the isosceles right triangle.

Which triangle has maximum area with same perimeter?

Equilateral Triangles
A particular case of the Isoperimetric Theorem tells us that among all triangles with the same perimeter, the equilateral one has the largest area.

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Which among the following has the maximum area if perimeter of each triangle is same a equilateral triangle C scalene triangle B isosceles triangle D all will have same area?

According to the property of triangles the maximum possible area covered by any triangle if the perimeter of all the triangles are equal is covered by an equilateral triangle. So this is the required answer. So, the correct answer is “Option a”.

What is minimum area?

When the rectangle of same perimeter becomes square the area is maximum. When the length of the rectangle of same perimeter is maximum and breadth becomes minimum, the area is minimum.

Can a triangle be both equilateral and isosceles?

Yes; in fact an equilateral triangle must be isosceles.

Why area of equilateral triangle is maximum?

Hope it helps you. GIVEN: An equilateral triangle ABC. Let A square DEFG, each side = ‘a’ unit is inscribed in the triangle, covering maximum area, EF is perpendicular to BC. AH is perpendicular to DE.

What is the maximum area of a triangle?

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We know area of a triangle = 1/2 * base *height, so we need to maximize the base and height of the triangle. Since one side is parallel to the y-axis, we can consider that side as the base of the triangle. To maximize base, we can find the first and last occurrence of {r, g, b} for each column.

How do you find the minimum perimeter of an area?

The area of a rectangle is the length and width of the rectangle,so we suppose the area is s , the length is x and the width is s/x,the perimeter is 2*(x+s/x),the minimum perimeter is 2√s.

How do you find the minimum area?

To find the minimum possible area, subtract the greatest possible error from each measurement, then multiply. To find the maximum possible area, add the greatest possible error to each measurement, then multiply.

How do you find the perimeter of an isosceles triangle?

Find the Perimeter and Area of an Isosceles Triangle Whose two Equal Sides and Base Length is 5 cm and 6 cm Respectively. Ans. Given, length of two equal sides of an isosceles triangle = a = 5 cm Q.2. If the Base and Area of an Isosceles Triangle are 8 cm and 12 cm2 respectively. Then find its perimeter.

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What is the perimeter of an equilateral triangle whose area is 12 cm?

The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 3a. Question 1: Find the area of an equilateral triangle whose perimeter is 12 cm. As per formula: Perimeter of the equilateral triangle = 3a, where “a” is the side of the equilateral triangle. Step 1: Find the side of an equilateral triangle using perimeter. Thus, the length of side is 4 cm.

Which has the least perimeter among triangles on the same base?

Isosceles triangle has the least perimeter among triangles on the same base with same area? Prove that of all triangles on the same base with same area, the isosceles triangle has the least perimeter (without trigonometry).

What is the base height of the isosceles triangle?

Base of the triangle (b) = 12 cm Height of the triangle (h) = 17 cm Area of Isosceles Triangle = (1/2) × b × h = (1/2) × 12 × 17