
Which way should your head be pointing when you sleep?

Which way should your head be pointing when you sleep?

The recommended sleeping direction per vastu shastra is that you lie down with your head pointed southward. A north-to-south body position is considered the worst direction.

In which direction we should sleep according to Hindu?

In Hindu custom, the bodies of dead people are placed with the head pointing to the north until cremation. The belief is that the north is the direction that the soul uses when exiting the world. This notion signifies that sleeping with your head facing the north is only desirable for lucid dreaming and astral travel.

Should your head face north when sleeping?

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Sleeping with your head pointing North can also disrupt your blood circulation and lead to disturbed sleep. In order to prevent such a scenario, it is better to avoid sleeping with your head facing North. Which direction is ideal for sleeping? East and South directions are the most ideal directions for sleeping.

What is the south Vastu Shastra sleeping direction?

The sleeping direction as per Vastu, with the head pointing north, is forbidden by vastu experts since it could result in serious illnesses and restless nights for the person sleeping in this direction. The South Vastu Shastra sleeping direction suggests sleeping with your head to the south.

What is the importance of Vastu Shastra in Your Life?

Sleeping Directions according to Vastu: Acharya Indu Prakash is here to throw some light on the importance of Vastu shastra in your life. From what you eat to how you sleep, everything, if done according to the Vastu Shastra, can make a big difference in your life.

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Which direction should a room face according to Vastu?

According to vastu, the guest should be given a room which is having its bed rest towards the west. It is called a neutral sleeping direction according to practitioners of the vastu. As a result, it does not give a quality sleep required for freshness for the next day.

Which direction should your head face when sleeping?

Sleeping in the west, according to vastu, is also a good idea. Sleeping with your head in the west grants you name, fame, prestige, and wealth. In the master bedroom, the headboard of your bed should face south or west. This will ensure that your toes are pointing north or east as you sleep.