Tips and tricks

Which would be worse living as a monster or dying as a good person?

Which would be worse living as a monster or dying as a good person?

Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse- to live as a monster, or to die as a good man? Teddy Daniels: You act like insanity is catching.

What does Andrew say at the end of Shutter Island?

His takeaway for the line was that the words mean, “I feel too guilty to go on living. I’m not going to actually commit suicide, but I’m going to vicariously commit suicide by handing myself over to these people who’re going to lobotomize me.” That’s a bit of a dark ending, but I think it’s the one I side with.

Is it worse to live as a monster?

Before leaving calmly with the orderlies, Andrews says to Sheehan: “Which is worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?”, revealing that he is faking his regression but would rather be lobotomised than live with the pain of his guilt.

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What does ‘dying as a good man’ prove about the monster?

Firstly it proves he is currently well and willing to be lobotomised, probably as a punishment for his crime. For this reason ‘dying as a good man’ does not mean he is being lobotomised when he is delusional, as he is fully aware of his crime and he would be lobotomised (die) as a monster.

What does it mean to live as a monster?

When psychotic he is not living his true life, he is figuratively dead. Therefore ‘to live as a monster’ means, when he is mentally well (alive and aware), he understands what he has done. Another way of phrasing the quote would be “Which would be worse, to know I am a monster or to wrongly believe I am a good man”

Is it better to be a good man or a monster?

For those who do not believe in God or the hereafter, so living as a good man is better than being monster, because for having a good and convenient life being as a good man is necessary for the social life.

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Does ‘die as a good man’ mean he is being lobotomised?

For this reason ‘dying as a good man’ does not mean he is being lobotomised when he is delusional, as he is fully aware of his crime and he would be lobotomised (die) as a monster. I prefer to view the statement ‘die as a good man’ to mean ‘to live a lie’. When psychotic he is not living his true life, he is figuratively dead.