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Who are the bad guys in Warhammer?

Who are the bad guys in Warhammer?

Chaos Gods are the main antagonists of Warhammer Fantasy as well as Warhammer 40,000 – in both versions they are the most powerful residents of the realm of Chaos: a parallel universe connected to our own but infinitely alien, the Chaos Gods are innumerable yet the most powerful of the legion are Khorne, Nurgle.

Are there any good guys in 40K?

The game was set to be “grimdark” and “there is only war”. Truthfully, there are no good guys or bad guys. Eldar tend to think of themselves as above the other races, and as mentioned before, they will not care if another non Eldar world is destroyed unless saving them helps them in a way.

Are Chaos Space Marines the good guys?

4. Chaos Space Marines Are The Good Guys. Despite what the cowardly followers of the Corpse God might have you think, Chaos Space Marines are not the enemy of mankind, nor are they traitors. It was in fact the fault of the Emperor who betrayed his loyal sons and humanity as a whole.

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Are Eldar evil 40k?

They are not sentient creatures, & so have no moral conscience, so their actions cannot be described as evil (though that doesn’t stop them from being very unpleasant in terms of what they do). In this sense of who & what is evil & not evil, it is fair to say that only the Dark Eldar are, as a race, truly evil.

Are the tau peaceful?

Who are Tau? The T’au claim to be a peaceful species when possible, asking if others will join their cause voluntarily instead of fighting against them.

When did Chaos Space Marines come out?

The Third Edition of Warhammer 40,000 had two different Chaos Space Marines Codexes. The first Codex was released in 1999….Codex: Chaos Space Marines (3rd Edition, 2nd Codex)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines
Illustrator(s) Alex Boyd, Paul Dainton, Dave Gallagher and Karl Kopinski
Released 2002

Is the emperor a good guy 40K?

According to this out there theory the Imperium has actually been the good guys all along. The core ideas behind this is that the theory that the Emperor was really a good and ultimately honest person all along. That in the rare time’s He talks about His plans, such as in Master of Mankind, He is being 100\% honest.

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Greenskins, Chaos, Vampire Counts, Beastmen…they all eaither want to end human civilivation eaither though their lust for power, or love of smashing crap, so you can say they are the bad guys. But in the end, its up to you on how the story plays out. Well in warhammer are no real good guys.

Is there such a thing as good and evil in Warhammer?

Good and Evil are very gray areass in Warhammer and it’s difficult to attribute one or the other to any faction. Some factions are merely preferable to how they run things over others. Bad guy also High elf too . *! Akster !*

Are chaos the Good Guys?

Heck, Chaos could be the good guys, it’s their destiny to wrek crap up and end the world. From a different perspective, The Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarves, and Wood Elves….. seem to all want to keep their way of life safe, and you can say they are the good guys.

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Who are the Good Guys?

The good guys are whoever you want to, all the races are almost always fighting anything that isn’t part of their faction, over grudges or just for the love of war. Heck, Chaos could be the good guys, it’s their destiny to wrek crap up and end the world.