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Who can defeat Thanos with Infinity Stones?

Who can defeat Thanos with Infinity Stones?

If there’s one human who can defeat Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet, it’s definitely Batman – with prep time, of course. The Dark Knight has fought against some of DC’s most powerful characters, and has come out the victor in many of those instances. Batman has beaten Superman, Green Lantern, and even Darkseid!

Can any Avenger beat Thanos?

The Asgardian Son of Odin was extremely close to ending Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. After gaining the powerful weapon Stormbreaker, Thor becomes the wielder of the most powerful weapon in the universe. Stormbreaker is capable of killing Thanos outright, and only Thor is currently worthy of wielding it.

How strong is Thanos without the Power Stone?

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Thanos is strong enough even without the Power stone or any other infinity stones. Scene 1: In the Avengers Infinity war movie, during the battle at Titan where Iron Man and Thanos fight one on one, Iron man uses his nonobots to make sure that Thanos cannot close his fist and activate the infinity stones.

Can the Phoenix defeat Thanos?

Thanos could have two gauntlets filled with Infinity Stones and the Phoenix would be able to disintegrate them. The Phoenix even has Cosmic awareness which means she could see Thanos on any planet and he would have no way of planning his offense against her. Thanos couldn’t even hide from Jean, let alone defeat her in a fight.

Can Thanos use the Infinity Gauntlet to shoot a beam?

Probably, the only way that would be possible, would be because Thanos used the power stone. Whenever an infinity stone needs to be used, Thanos is supposed to make a fist with the Gauntlet and then a beam would come from the stone.

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Can Thanos be defeated without the big glove?

Thanos snaps half of all living things away before Thor can kill him, but in Endgame, Thor went for the head and killed Thanos. This proved that the God of Thunder could defeat the Mad Titan with or without the big gold glove. Professor X’s mind control and telepathy are off the charts but even he has been overpowered by Jean Grey.