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Who destroyed the multiverse Marvel?

Who destroyed the multiverse Marvel?

Let’s compare the upcoming event to MARVEL UNIVERSE: THE END, the one time the Marvel Universe was gone before readers could turn to page one. The culprit in this limited series is none other than Cosmic Ghost Rider’s former boss and “temporarily adopted son,” Thanos.

How does the Marvel multiverse end?

The Titan Thanos, who has become aware of the Heart’s power, gathers the last of the heroes, including the Defenders and Captain Marvel, in an offensive maneuver on the Order. Thanos successfully destroys the machinery that allows the Order to channel the Heart’s power and then absorbs the power into himself.

What is the multiverse in Marvel Comics?

The Multiverse also plays a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, also known as Earth-199999 (although it only introduced universes tightly connected to the MCU, as well as called, probably for simplicity, different dimensions of such realities and the MCU itself separate universes).

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What happened to the 7th iteration of the multiverse?

The seventh iteration of the Multiverse was destroyed as a consequence of the phenomena known as incursions, and was eventually reborn as the eighth when Mister Fantastic acquired the power of the Beyonders, which was previously held by Doctor Doom. Richards’ intervention caused the eighth incarnation to be a direct continuation of the seventh.

Does the Marvel Universe have a future?

The Marvel Universe does have a future, but the world of 2099 is a very different place. Spider-Man 2099 became one of the first iconic heroes of the era, but the X-Men 2099, Punisher 2099, Fantastic Four 2099, and even Ghost Rider 2099 eventually emerged as this era’s champions.

What happened to the destroyed universes?

Instead of starting from scratch, most of the destroyed universes were re-created, continuing their existence almost as if nothing had happened. The Multiverse was originally categorized and protected by Merlyn, who established the Captain Britain Corps.