
Who does Reyna fall in love with?

Who does Reyna fall in love with?

Reyna is clearly very straight, hence her crush on both Jason and Percy, so she’s bisexual(at the most), but that’s never even been hinted at, and she surely would’ve told Nico(considering she found out about him on accident through the Bellona kid power-transfer thing).

Who had a crush on Jason Grace?

On many occasions, Percy noticed that Reyna had strong romantic feelings for Jason Grace. Hazel said that after Jason’s 8 month disappearance, the Romans were still searching for him and have not given up.

Does Reyna have a crush Percy?

And Reyna herself says that Praetors often grow close and start to date when Percy asks if she and Jason had something going on. That hints that, yes, Reyna did have a crush on Jason. And, yeah, Reyna might have had a small crush on Percy. Though, tbh, who doesn’t?

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How old is Reyna Percy Jackson?

Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano: An about 18-year-old (in trials of Apollo) daughter of the Roman goddess of war, Bellona.

Who is Reyna boyfriend in Percy Jackson?

Jason Grace
Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano or simply Reyna, is aRoman demigod daughter of Bellona and one of the Praetors of Camp Jupiter. Reyna had strong romantic feelings for Jason Grace.

Is Reyna Pjo ace?

Reyna Ramírez-Arellano is an asexual character from The Heroes of Olympus.

What happened between Apollo and Reyna?

There’s a gathering and Apollo sings a song for Jason Grace, detailing all that happened. When Apollo first sees Reyna, he flips out because Venus had told him he had to stay away from her. He falls in love with Reyna. The funeral for Jason is held that night with Apollo performing the rites.

Is Reyna in love with Percy Jackson?

Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano or simply Reyna, is a Roman demigod daughter of Bellona and one of the Praetors of Camp Jupiter. She is hinted to have had romantic feelings for Jason Grace and Percy Jackson .

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What is the relationship between Reyna and Jason like?

Jason knew Reyna’s last name, which she barely used, but Reyna hated when he tried to say it, telling him that it was the name of a girl who she left in Puerto Rico. Reyna developed romantic feelings for Jason as they grew up together in Camp Jupiter. Reyna’s romantic feelings for Jason got stronger over the years.

Who would win in a fight Percy and Annabeth or Jason and Reyna?

Canonically- Percy and Annabeth would win only because Riordan overpowers Percy so much and there’s no way he (or the fandom to be honest) would let Reyna and Jason defeat them cause of favoring and bias. Realistically- Jason and Reyna would win.

What did Percy notice about Reyna when she was on the Argo?

On multiple occasions, Percy noticed that Reyna has strong feelings for Jason and considers him to be more than a collegue. When the Argo II appears in the sky she looks a little wistful and tells Percy that she hopes he’s right and Jason is on the ship because she missed him.