Tips and tricks

Who has been misunderstood?

Who has been misunderstood?

10. Nicki Minaj. Nicki isn’t having a very good year. After her Twitter meltdown after her album Queen failed to hit No.

What other historical figures have a legacy that is considered great?


  • 35 People.
  • Henry Hudson (1570?-1611?)
  • E.W. Harriman (1848-1909)
  • Ralph Radcliffe Whitehead (1854-1929)
  • Emma Willard (1787-1870)
  • Matthew Vassar (1792-1862)
  • Thomas Cole (1801-1848)
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

Who was the most famous person in the 20th century?

Famous people of the Twentieth Century

  • Winston Churchill (British PM during WWII)
  • Martin Luther King (Leader of civil rights movement in US)
  • Nelson Mandela (opposition to Apartheid, S.A. first black president)
  • Mahatma Gandhi (Key figure in Indian independence)
  • Franklin D.
  • John Paul II (Roman Catholic Pope)

What are historical figures?

A historical figure is a significant person in history. The significance of such figures in human progress has been debated. The concept is generally used in the sense that the person really existed in the past, as opposed to being legendary.

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Who are the most famous historical figures you’ve never heard of?

The most popular historical figures you’ve (probably) never heard of 1 Charlotte of Wales. 2 Constance Markievicz. 3 Akhenaten. 4 Matthias I. 5 Seymour Fleming. 6 Thomas Browne. 7 Katherine Swynford. 8 Imre Nagy. 9 Patrick and William Pearse. 10 Ragnar Lothbrok.

Who are some of the most courageous people in history?

List of courageous people throughout history – Jesus Christ, The Buddha, Socrates, Joan of Arc, Sophie Scholl, Frederick Douglass, Malala Yousafzai, A. Linc

Who are the creepiest figures in history?

From Vlad the Impaler to Jack the Ripper, meet seven of history’s creepiest figures. 1. Vlad The Impaler Vlad III Dracula—better known by the gruesome moniker “Vlad the Impaler”—was a 15th-century ruler of Wallachia (now part of Romania) who became notorious for his rampant use of torture, mutilation and mass murder.

What did Harriet Paul do for the women’s rights movement?

The Women’s Rights Movement, 1848–1920. Embracing a more confrontational style, Paul drew a younger generation of women to her movement, helped resuscitate the push for a federal equal rights amendment, and relentlessly attacked the Democratic administration of President Woodrow Wilson for obstructing the extension of the vote to women.