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Who is Eternity in the Marvel Universe?

Who is Eternity in the Marvel Universe?

Marvel Universe
Eternity/Fictional universes

Is Eternity good or bad in Marvel?

To put it plainly, Eternity is one of the most powerful and long-lasting cosmic forces the Marvel Universe has ever known. Throughout his long comic book history, Eternity has time and again proven his dominance over existence.

Who defeated the Eternity in Marvel?

However, in the end they were forced to say goodbye to one another. Eternity was also romantically involved with the Queen of Nevers. The original Eternity was eventually killed by the combined effort of his son Entropy and Captain Marvel resulting in the destruction of the universe.

Does Tony Stark become Eternity?

After realizing Avengers plans, Thanos sends his army to battle Thor’s Asgardians army. Turns out that Thanos died at the end of act 2. From there, the story revolves around Eternity. Eternity reveals that he is Tony Stark from the future, who becomes a super being as he absorbed all the energy of the destroyed Stones.

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Who is eternity in Marvel Comics?

Eternity is Marvel comics character, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Eternity first appears in Strange Tales #138 released in 1965. The first human to contact Eternity was Dr. Strange when the villain Dormammu attempted to manifest in the earthly dimension. Later he was contacted by Galactus and the Watcher when Mr. Fantastic was put on trial.

Who is infinity in the comics?

Infinity is the sister of Eternity. As Eternity’s counterpart is Death, Infinity’s counterpart is Oblivion. She appeared to Quasar when he entered his Quantum Bands into the Quantum Zone.

What is the difference between Infinity and eternity?

Where Infinity represents all space within the universe, Eternity represents all time, although sometimes Eternity can take Infinity’s place in some cases. Eternity is Marvel comics character, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Eternity first appears in Strange Tales #138 released in 1965.

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What is the meaning of the Eternals in the universe?

Eternity is part of a small cosmic pantheon that represents the three essential forces in the universe, being equity (Galactus), necessity (Eternity & Infinity) and vengeance (Death & Oblivion).