
Who is more intelligent INTP or INTJ?

Who is more intelligent INTP or INTJ?

Overall the smartest type is INTJ. More specifically on average the top 3 smartest types are INFJs at third place, INTPs at second place and INTJs at first place.

How do you know if you really are an INTJ?

The INTJ is logic-driven personality type with a talent for solving problems and a focus on accomplishing goals. INTJs tend to be critical-minded, blunt, and focused on getting results — not a recipe for casual chitchat. As a result, many INTJs avoid social settings and focus on ideas, projects, or work.

Why is INTJ intelligent?

Their minds are something the INTJ wants to focus on much more than emotions, which gives them a certain kind of intelligence. While they might not be quite as emotionally conscious, they do care about being logical and rational as best they can.

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Are there more articles for intjs than other types out there?

Something I’ve noticed: there are more articles for INTJs out there than for any other type. And apparently, they’re all written by INTJ authors. This means one of two things. Either, that a handful of super-productive bloggers are churning out an ungodly amount of articles about their type.

How rare is an INTJ personality type?

The INTJ personality type is rare, but to be a female INTJ is even rarer — only 1 percent of adult U. S. females identify as an INTJ (3 percent of males are INTJs).

Do highly intelligent people have a greater sense of intuition?

Highly intelligent people have a greater sense of intuition than other people. This doesn’t mean that they have any psychic abilities (though perhaps some people coincidentally do). They are simply more in tune with the feelings and actions of the people around them.

Why do INTJ’s keep taking the test?

In an era where weirdness is cool, INTJ looks fifty shades of enigmatic compared to the other types and let’s face it, being rare is a bonanza for the ego. So, they keep taking the test until they get the preferred result. Most of the aspiration here focuses on Intuition over Sensing.