
Who is smarter INTP Intj?

Who is smarter INTP Intj?

Who is smarter INTP or Intj? Yes, the average INTJ is smarter than the average INTP, but they have Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci. Actually, there are about 1.5 times as many INTP as INTJ, so that may have something to do with this imbalance.

Why INTPs are better than INTJs?

INTPs are more sympathetic to the notion that individuals can discover truth and wisdom through their own logic and experiences; they are thus well-described as philosophers. INTJs, in being more structured and data-oriented in their approach, typically fall closer to the scientific end of the spectrum than INTPs.

Are INFPs gifted?

The most commonly mentioned personality type found among the gifted was INFP. Patterns slowly emerged and by the year 2007 I had data from more than 300 families with gifted children.

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Are INFPs smart Quora?

So relative to other MBTI types INFP’s are very smart. They are also one of the most common types to show up within classes for gifted children.

Are intjs smarter than INTPs?

On average INTJs are smarter than INTPs. The top 3 smartest types on average are INFJs at third place, INTPs at second place and INTJs at first place.

What is the difference between an INTP and an ENFJ?

They can both do the same things if they both really want to. A smart INTP can pretty much do what a smart INTJ can and a smart ENTJ can pretty much do what a smart ENTP can — but a smart ENFJ probably can’t do what a smart INTP can do.

What is the difference between INTPs and INFPs?

INTP- INTP’s can store SO much information. And they have so many ideas too. They just aren’t as pro-active or as consise as ENTP’s and INTJ’s. The reason I put them higher than INFP’s is because they can completely cancel out emotion which can quite often be time wasting, debilitating and can even cloud judgement. 4.

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Which MBTI is smarter n or s?

Almost any N is going to have an edge over an S. So I would put N above S when it comes to who is smarter because the N has much more influence than the S. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85\% of which MBTI is smarter. The other letters really matter a lot, lot less.