
Who is the highest-paid in the US government?

Who is the highest-paid in the US government?

Top 100 Highest-Paid Government Employees of 2020

Rank Name Total Pay
1 Edward Garay $464,227
2 Anthony S. Fauci $434,312
3 Gary H. Gibbons $422,339
4 Hubert T. Kim $420,402

What is the highest government salary?

Anthony Fauci, the top disease expert in the U.S., was revealed as the highest-paid federal government employee in 2019, with an annual salary of $417,608, according to OpenTheBooks.com. That’s more than the U.S. president, who earns $400,000 a year.

What is the current US president’s salary?

$400,000 annually
Joe Biden is the 46th and current president of the United States, having assumed office on January 20, 2021….President of the United States.

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President of the United States of America
First holder George Washington
Salary $400,000 annually
Website www.whitehouse.gov

Who is highest paid employee in the world?

Dara Khosrowshahi is the world’s highest-paid employee. Since 2005, he has served as Expedia’s Chief Executive Officer. His leadership has benefited the corporation, which has expanded to over 60 nations worldwide. As an Iranian executive, he has ascended to the top of the list of highest compensated employees.

Who is highest-paid employee in the world?

Who has the highest salary in the USA?

Anesthesiologists are the top-paid workers in the U.S. and make a mean salary of $267,020 per year, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, compiled by U.S. News. Surgeons and oral surgeons round out the top three jobs with the highest earning power, and jobs in health care take the top 10 spots overall.

What is the average salary of a US President?

Key Takeaways The current salary for the President of the United States is $400,000 per year with an expense account of $50,000. Former presidents receive a pension and other benefits when they leave office. The benefits former presidents receive is nearly $4 million dollars a year, with more than 40\% of that cost in office space. 5 

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Why does the Constitution require a president to take a salary?

The Constitution requires a president to take a salary. The Founding Fathers wanted to protect even wealthy presidents from misfortune that could tempt them to take bribes. Four presidents refused a salary. Instead, they donated all or part of it.

What is the average salary of a government official?

Annual Salaries of Top US Government Officials. 1 2021: $400,000. 2 2021: $235,100. 3 2021: $221,400. 4 2021: $174,000. 5 2021: $223,500.

What is the highest political office in America?

Photo: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster. The president of the United States is the highest political office title one can have in America. But how much does the president make? You may be surprised by the number.