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Who propagated Advaita philosophy?

Who propagated Advaita philosophy?

Adi Shankara
The correct answer is Adi Shankara. Advaita Philosophy was propagated by Adi Shankaracharya. According to Advaita Vedanta, soul and Brahman are not different. The concept was popularised as “Atman is Brahman”.

Which philosophical system was founded by Vallabhacharya?

Vallabhacharya (1479–1531 CE), also known as Vallabha, was an Indian philosopher who founded the Krishna-centered PushtiMarg sect of Vaishnavism in the Braj region of India, and the philosophy of Shuddha advaita (Pure Nondualism).

Is Sufi a type of garment?

Fifth, the term sufi was probably derived from the word suf meaning wool, which was commonly used to make Sufi robes. So, the correct option is the option coarse cloth. Note: In the later stages of development the Sufis were identified by their wearing wool garments.

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What is maya in Bhagavad Gita?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that the Prakriti created by Him consists of three gunas — sattva, rajas and tamas — and the Lord says that our Prakriti sambandha — association with Prakriti — is the Maya that keeps us from knowing Him. In other words, He is the means to overcome Maya.

Who is maya Brahma?

When we see an astonishing event, we call it Maya of God. Maya is the power of Brahman, which covers the truth. His place causes the illusion of something else, such as a rope leads to the illusion of a snake. Maya is the power of Brahm, but Maya does not affect Brahm.

Who is the founder of Advaita Vedanta?

Although its roots trace back to the 1st millennium BCE, the most prominent exponent of the Advaita Vedanta is considered by tradition to be the 8th century scholar Adi Shankara.

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What is the essential philosophy of Advaita?

The essential philosophy of Advaita is an idealist monism, and is considered to be presented first in the Upaniṣads and consolidated in the Brahma Sūtra by this tradition. According to Advaita metaphysics, Brahman—the ultimate, transcendent and immanent God of the latter Vedas—appears as the world because of its creative energy (māyā).

What is Brahman according to Advaita?

According to Advaita metaphysics, Brahman—the ultimate, transcendent and immanent God of the latter Vedas—appears as the world because of its creative energy (māyā). The world has no separate existence apart from Brahman.

What are the three states of consciousness according to Advaita?

Advaita posits three states of consciousness, namely waking (jagrat), dreaming (svapna), deep sleep (suṣupti), which are empirically experienced by human beings, and correspond to the Three Bodies Doctrine: The first state is the waking state, in which we are aware of our daily world. This is the gross body.