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Who says there is no God?

Who says there is no God?

According to Psalm 10 we are told that the thoughts of the wicked may be summed up as “There is no God” and “God has forgotten, he has hidden his face, he will never see it” (vv. 4, 11).

Who said that the state is not created by God?

In his 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking had seemed to accept the role of God in the creation of the universe. But in the new text, co-written with American physicist Leonard Mlodinow, he said new theories showed a creator is “not necessary”.

Who is the unknown God in Acts 17 23?

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Agnostos Theos
The Unknown God or Agnostos Theos (Ancient Greek: Ἄγνωστος Θεός) is a theory by Eduard Norden first published in 1913 that proposes, based on the Christian Apostle Paul’s Areopagus speech in Acts 17:23, that in addition to the twelve main gods and the innumerable lesser deities, ancient Greeks worshipped a deity they …

What did Stephen Hawking believe about the universe?

In life, Hawking was a vocal champion of the Big Bang theory — the idea that the universe began by exploding suddenly out of an ultradense singularity smaller than an atom.

What is Stephen Hawking’s last book?

In Stephen Hawking’s final book ” Brief Answers to Big Questions ,” published Tuesday (Oct. 16) by Bantam Books, the professor begins a series of 10 intergalactic essays by addressing life’s oldest and most religiously fraught question of all: Is there a God?

Does God exist in the universe?

In a new book that was published posthumously, Stephen Hawking, who died in March, wrote that it is impossible for God to exist in our universe. (Image credit: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

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Did God create the universe without violating laws of nature?

“The universe itself, in all its mind-boggling vastness and complexity, could simply have popped into existence without violating the known laws of nature,” he wrote. That still doesn’t explain away the possibility that God created that proton-size singularity, then flipped the quantum- mechanical switch that allowed it to pop.
