Who should be responsible for poor performance of students?

Who should be responsible for poor performance of students?

It depends on what level the student is. If he is at primary level then definitely it is the teachers and parents. But if the student has atained a certain age then only he/she is to be blamed.

Are teachers only responsible for students success?

Teachers play an essential role in the academic success of all the children they teach. Teachers can help students achieve this goal by: Having high expectations of all students regardless of their previous academic performance. Helping all students feel like a part of the school and educational community.

What is the main role of a teacher to the learner?

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The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn. In addition to ensuring that students experience academic success, teachers must also function as surrogate parents, mentors and counselors, and even almost-politicians.

What are the causes of poor academic performance of students?

10 Causes of Poor Academic Performance in School – Most Students Never Admit #8

  • Improper timetable: Any student without a proper timetable or workable timetable is planning to fail.
  • Inadequate study time:
  • Financial constraint:
  • Lack of study materials:
  • Broken home:
  • Doubt:
  • Lack of trust in God:
  • Discouragement:

Who is more responsible for student success teachers or parents?

Students are responsible for their own learning. Parents are responsible for their children’s learning. But ultimately, all learning begins with the teacher.

Who is a learner and what are the roles of the learner?

They are the knowledge experts and their primary role is to impart that knowledge to their learners in effective ways. Learners are responsible for attending class and completing reading and other assignments as proscribed by the teacher.