
Who was Chanakya Why did he become famous?

Who was Chanakya Why did he become famous?

Chanakya also known as Vishnugupta or Kautilya was the pioneer of political science in ancient India, whose works are of great relevance even today. He served as an advisor to the great Chandragupta Maurya and played a vital role in the emergence of the Mauryan Empire.

Why is chanakya famous Quora?

Chanakya is considered so wise as he was the first person to see the dream of a united India. To a great extent he was succesful in uniting India. He was a great lover of mother India. He showed the history that a teacher has more power than a king and if he decides no one can stop him.

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Why is arthashastra so famous?

The Arthashastra was observed to be a compilation of guidelines on governing a vast empire covering aspects of internal administration, military strategy, diplomacy and economics. It also advised the ruler to promote the welfare of his people as they were the source of strength of a nation.

Why is chanakya so intelligent?

His intelligence was the reason that he could create India’s first largest kingdom. Apart from politics, Chanakya even acquired the knowledge of medicine and astronomy. He had a mastery on “Samudra Shastra” by which he could judge and analyze what a person is thinking by only looking at the facial expressions.

Is Chanakya was a minister?

Chanakya (l. c. 350-275 BCE, also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta) was prime minister under the reign of Chandragupta Maurya (r. c. 321-c. 297 BCE), founder of the Mauryan Empire (322-185 BCE).

How was the administration of Pataliputra carried out?

The city administration of Pataliputra, according to Megasthenes and also corroborated by Arthashastra, was conducted by six committees which consisted of five members each.

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How did Chanakya and Chandragupta meet?

The Buddhist and Hindu sources present different versions of how Chandragupta met Chanakya. Broadly, they mention young Chandragupta creating a mock game of a royal court that he and his cowherd friends played near Vinjha forest.

Why was Chanakya so intelligent?

Where was Chanakya born?

Born to Rishi Canak, Chanakya, was an Indian teacher, economist, and royal advisor. His birthplace is not known but according to Buddhist text ‘Mahavamsa Tika’ his birthplace was ‘Taxila’. While according to other sources he was a South Indian.

How did Chanakya help Chandragupta?

Acting as the emperor’s counselor and adviser, he was instrumental in helping Chandragupta overthrow the powerful Nanda dynasty at Pataliputra, in the Magadha region and helped Chandragupta consolidate his powers. Chanakya also served as the adviser to Chandragupta’s son Bindusara. Chanakya was born in a Brahmin family in 350 BC.

What are the works of Chanakya?

Major Works Chanakya authored the treatise ‘Arthashastra’ which discusses a variety of topics such as monetary and fiscal policies, welfare, international relations, and war strategies in detail. The text is believed to a compilation of the works of various authors by some scholars.

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Why was Chanakya important to the Maurya Empire?

His works were lost near the end of the Gupta Empire in the 6th century CE and not rediscovered until the early 20th century. Chanakya assisted the first Mauryan emperor Chandragupta in his rise to power. He is widely credited for having played an important role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire.