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Who were the 3 main apostles?

Who were the 3 main apostles?

Three of them, Peter, James, and John, formed an inner circle who alone were permitted to witness such events as the raising of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51), the Transfiguration (Mark 9; Matthew 17; Luke 9), and the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:33; Matthew 26:37).

Who was Jesus’s closest apostle?

Since the end of the first century, the Beloved Disciple has been commonly identified with John the Evangelist. Scholars have debated the authorship of Johannine literature (the Gospel of John, Epistles of John, and the Book of Revelation) since at least the third century, but especially since the Enlightenment.

Who was the most important Apostle of Jesus Christ?

Peter, John or Paul are obviously the three top contenders for the most important apostle of Jesus. If you’d asked which of the three is most liked by Bible readers, the answer is probably John.

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What is an apostle according to the Bible?

An apostle is a disciple of Jesus Christ that was specifically called by Jesus (in person). When Jesus began his earthly ministry, he called 12 men to follow and learn from him. They were: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.

Who was the Apostle Paul in the Bible?

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Paul made his debut in the Bible as an intense persecutor of Christians. (Though he’s first mentioned by his Hebrew name, Saul—we’ll get to that soon.) When Stephen was stoned to death for preaching the gospel, “the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul . . .

What makes a believer an apostle?

If you use the term apostle too loosely, all believers in all times could be considered apostles because we’re all sent out to spread the good news of Jesus. We’re disciples and/or witnesses that are sent to share how the Lord changed us.