
Who were the 3 men Jamie thought could beat him?

Who were the 3 men Jamie thought could beat him?

So the three people were probably Selmy, the Hound and the Mountain. I don’t think I can name all three but we all know that one of them is Barristan Selmy. The only thing that puts that to doubt is that at the time, Ser Barristan wasn’t actually in Westeros. Despite his wimpiness Loras Tyrell is a marvelous warrior.

Who Captured Brienne of Tarth and Jaime?

Season 3. In the Riverlands, Brienne and Jaime are captured by a squad of Bolton’s soldiers.

How did Brienne and Jaime get captured?

Brienne overpowers Jaime, but then they are caught by Bolton soldiers led by Locke. During the ride, Jaime blames Brienne for the captivity because she refused to arm him. He warns her that once their captors camp, she will be gang-raped, and advises her not to resist.

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Why did Jaime Lannister takes Riverrun?

Jaime is very aware this is the High Sparrow scheming to get him out of the way so he can further brainwash Tommen, but sister Cersei encourages him to take Riverrun to show how easily the Lannister’s can get what they want.

What happens to Jaime and Brienne in Game of Thrones?

Brienne ties Jaime to a tree and is about to bury the corpses, but then they are encountered by three Stark soldiers, who pick up a fight with Brienne. Brienne kills all three, much to Jaime’s astonishment.

Does Brienne kill all three stark men?

Brienne kills all three, much to Jaime’s astonishment. He points out that she has killed Stark men; Brienne counters that she Catelyn only, not the Starks, and that promised Catelyn she would take him to King’s Landing. Brienne and Jaime continue their journey on foot.

Why did Jaime blame Brienne for her captivity?

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Brienne overpowers Jaime, but then they are caught by Bolton soldiers led by Locke. During the ride, Jaime blames Brienne for the captivity because she refused to arm him. He warns her that once their captors camp, she will be gang-raped, and advises her not to resist.

What does Brienne tell the Lannister guards?

Brienne tells the Lannister guards that she has come to see Jaime. Jaime and Brienne meet discreetly in a tent. Jaime is surprised to hear that Brienne has found Sansa (he was certain she was dead), and compliments her for fulfilling her oath to Catelyn.