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Who will play Robert Baratheon?

Who will play Robert Baratheon?

Mark AddyGame of Thrones
Robert Baratheon/Played by

Who replaced Robert Baratheon?

Joffrey I Baratheon
Robert I Baratheon

Biographical Information
Royal House House Baratheon of King’s Landing
Predecessor Aerys II Targaryen
Heir 1st: Stannis Baratheon (heir presumptive) (283–286 AC) 2nd: Joffrey Baratheon (286–298 AC)
Successor Joffrey I Baratheon

Will Roberts rebellion be in House of the Dragon?

Considering House of the Dragon is set hundreds of years before Game of Thrones, it likely won’t end with Robert’s Rebellion – that event occurs only 17 years before Game of Thrones’ first season begins – and instead could implement a newly crafted Westerosi tragedy of its era to end on.

What was Robert Baratheon like as a young man?

Robert Baratheon, as a young man, possessed the typical talent for warfare and leadership as his brothers, as expected of Baratheon men, gentler than his brother, Stannis, and less intelligent than Renly.

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Why did Robert Baratheon claim the Iron Throne?

Robert claimed the Iron Throne because he started the war and killed Prince Rhaegar personally. Robert also had the best claim to the throne as a result of being related to the Targaryens through his mother.

Is Robert Baratheon related to Eddard Stark?

―Robert Baratheon to Eddard Stark. King Robert I Baratheon was the seventeenth ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, formally styled as Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

Did Robert Baratheon beat Richard lonmouth at Harrenhal?

At the time of their betrothal, Robert beat Richard Lonmouth during the tourney at Harrenhal . Robert Baratheon mourns at the funeral of Lyanna Stark. However, Lyanna was allegedly kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. The Mad King had Eddard’s father and brother killed for protesting against the kidnapping.