Tips and tricks

Who would win Dumbledore or Doctor Strange?

Who would win Dumbledore or Doctor Strange?

If he can fight the Mad Titan to a standstill while he wielded 4 Infinity Stones, he can definitely take out Dumbledore! When it comes to magic users, Marvel Comics’ Doctor Strange and Harry Potter’s Professor Dumbledore are clearly the most gifted wizards of their respective universes.

Can Loki beat Harry Potter?

7 Can’t Beat: Loki He possesses superhuman physical abilities that make it nearly impossible for any mortal man to defeat him. Considering that Loki has the physical and mental advantage over Harry, and possibly the magical advantage as well, it is hard to imagine Harry winning this matchup.

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Can Draco beat Harry?

10 DRACO MALFOY Harry and Draco were pretty much neck-and-neck when it comes to dueling and wand-related stuff. It was only until Harry got a hold of Snape’s diary and channeled his Slytherin tendencies that he was able to win against Malfoy. As a result, he nearly killed Malfoy in The Half-Blood Prince.

Who would win in a fight between Harry Potter and Hulk?

Harry is invisible at the start and bloodlusted, so basically Harry is hunting the Hulk down. If they were starting like 20 feet apart Hulk would probably win because a single clap or punch will win it for him before Harry can cast. Otherwise he is absolutely defenseless.

What episode of death battle is Luke Skywalker vs Harry Potter?

Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter is the 15th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars series and Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series in a battle between orphaned fantastical protagonists. Wiz: Every generation has idolized a sci-fi hero.

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How does Harry Potter die in the end?

Harry dies from Radiation poisoning lmao. He kills Hulk, and then dies from radiation poisoning. Harry is invisible at the start and bloodlusted, so basically Harry is hunting the Hulk down. If they were starting like 20 feet apart Hulk would probably win because a single clap or punch will win it for him before Harry can cast.

How did Harry Potter break free of the Killing Curse?

Just as Harry is about to use the killing curse, Luke uses Force Persuasion to stop him. However, Harry manages to break free using Occlumency. He then prepares once again to cast the killing curse.