Who would win in a war Canada or US?

Who would win in a war Canada or US?

Canada’s conventional military would be defeated by the USA pretty quickly. According to the internet, Canada’s armed forces have ~64,000 personnel, with another ~24,000 in reserve, for a total of 88,000. The USA, on the other hand, have 1,282,000 active personnel, with 811,000 in reserve, for a total of 2,093,000.

Did America lose a war against Canada?

The War of 1812 (which lasted from 1812 to 1814) was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded several times by the Americans….War of 1812.

Article by James H. Marsh, Pierre Berton
Updated by Tabitha Marshall
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Is Canada military strong?

For 2021, Canada is ranked 21 of 140 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.3956 (a score of 0.0000 is considered ‘perfect’). This entry last updated on 03/03/2021.

What country has best snipers?

The Army Ranger Wing won the overall and international categories in the United States Sniper Competition in Fort Benning, Georgia. They’re now considered the best sniper team in the world after winning the prestigious event….

  • Read more about:
  • USA,
  • Army.

Who would win in a war between Canada and the USA?

The United States would undoubtedly win. Canada is somewhat poorly armed compared to the United States, which isn’t to say Canada has a bad military but it isn’t nearly as large as the United States is. (This is a picture of a CF-18, which is a version of the US F/A-18 Hornet for Canadian use.

Could a Canadian citizen go to war with the US?

IMO the US and Canada are literally the two least likely countries on the planet to go to war. We have nearly identical governmental, religious, cultural and social populations. It’s not an exaggeration to say that any canadian citizen could

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What would happen if the US invaded Canada?

Upon entering Canada they would be met not with hostility, but with hospitality. They would see that war against such a nice people is a fool’s errand. After a while, the invasion would be called off and the Americans would go home.

Why doesn’t the United States have an army like Canada?

Canada has a humoungous landmass and the population is spread out. U.S is currently involved in too many wars to be able to actually pull toghether a reliable army. Also alot of soldiers wouldnt agree to fighting Canada. Canadas army is much more trained, even if we are outnumbered.