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Why are anime intros so long?

Why are anime intros so long?

Opening and ending sequences set the tone for the show to follow, which means that a longer opening sequence makes more sense. These sequences also show the talent of their creators, who are not necessarily the same staff members who produce the weekly episodes.

What is spoilers in anime?

Anything that tells someone something they don’t already know about a series coming in is a spoiler. Even if its just how someone talks. Or saying “People die in this anime.”, although people do it anyways. BBCode.

How long should an anime opening be?

As the article mentions, they used to be 60 seconds back in the 1970s. Then they were increased to 90 seconds for the reasons above. It’s possible that some studios experimented with even longer OPs/EDs, but later on, found that 90 seconds was a sweet spot.

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Why do Naruto Intros have spoilers?

Naruto’s openings occasionally have spoilers, although some avert this by changing mid-season in order to update themselves. The second opening spoils Orochimaru biting Sasuke and Sakura’s Important Haircut.

Do you actually see the spoilers in anime?

A lot of times though, you don’t actually see the spoilers, or realize them for what they are. Take the Evangelion opening. There’s quick shots of a ton of plot points and spoilers, but you don’t really catch what you’re looking at.

Why do I feel sad when I finish watching anime?

At the least, it tells you that you’ve found a type of story that means something to you. Either case, the end-of-an-anime blues can be uncomfortable. Some fall into deep depression. Of course, this type of reaction may be a sign of deeper mental health problems that need addressed by a professional.

Why do anime series have such a large amount of episodes?

But, see, the huge number of episodes in some anime series is exactly what keeps people interested in them. If you spend weeks on a show with no long breaks, you’re going to come out of the other end of that experience far more devoted to the eventual outcome of the series.

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Why don’t Americans like anime?

Not searching for things skews our idea of how our modern entertainment compares to past entertainment. Anime, on the other hand, is very rarely presented to us, unless someone with money has decided that American kids will love it and buy its Nintendo 3DS tie-in fighting game. Example.