
Why are INFJs so unhappy?

Why are INFJs so unhappy?

In fact, some INFJs may become so preoccupied with other people’s feelings that they forget to check in with their own needs. This can lead to INFJs neglecting their own problems and feeling burned out and unhappy. These points are based on my subjective experience and what I’ve gleaned from other INFJs.

Why are INFJ so hard on themselves?

Very high expectations INFJs feel the pressure, but ironically, it’s usually the pressure we put on ourselves. Perfectionistic, ambitious, and often high-achieving, INFJs hate to fail. Add in our high expectations, and this is a sure-fire recipe for self-sabotage.

Can 2 Infj get along?

While a hyper-focused, righteous, clean-freak might not be compatible with every personality type, two INFJs are wonderfully compatible with each other. As a couple, these two will share, listen, understand, and continuously grow through life with a steady partner.

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Do INFJ’s get over heartbreak?

Few things devastate an INFJ like heartbreak or having lost someone they love. While their friends may be able to get over an ended relationship more quickly and not understand why the INFJ isn’t able to do the same, there are a number of reasons that the INFJ tends to find moving on from heartbreak a struggle.

What are the worst traits of INFJs?

1. INFJs prioritize order and harmony over most everything. Most relationships don’t end amicably right away. Someone is generally hurt. For the INFJ who prioritizes the moral order of the universe over most everything and needs for life to be copacetic, the imbalance that this creates will haunt them endlessly.

Why are INFJ’s so self-blaming?

INFJs desire peace and stability in their lives and in the lives of those around them, and when that sense of harmony is disrupted and broken, the INFJ often becomes self-blaming, placing the load on their shoulders as they seek ways to restore order and balance.

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What happens when an INFJ leaves you?

When someone who the INFJ has exposed the most intimate parts of themselves to leaves or hurts them, the INFJ often snaps backwards, retreating, feeling that they’ve given something away that they shouldn’t have. This lingering sense of having made a mistake in letting someone in can slow progress in moving on.
