
Why are INTPs and INFPs so similar?

Why are INTPs and INFPs so similar?

Both INFPs and INTPs are Intuitive Perceivers that work better without constraints. These personality types are slightly similar because they share some of the same auxiliary and tertiary functions (Extraverted Intuition, or Ne, and Introverted Sensing, or Se).

What do INTP and INFP have in common?

INFPs and INTPs are both Introverted, Intuitive, and Perceiving, preferring to be alone, think about the future, and avoid strict plans. However, INFPs process information emotionally and tend to prioritize feelings when making decisions, while INTPs prioritize logic when making decisions.

Can a person be both INTP and INFP?

No, because both dominant functions from INTP and INFP are not the same. INTP’s dominant function is Introverted Thinking. INFP’s dominant function is Introverted Feeling.

Which personality is closest to INFP?

On the surface, the INFJ and INFP personalities appear very similar. These two introverted Myers-Briggs personality types are both creative, idealistic, and focused on helping others.

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Are INFP better than INTP?

An INTP will struggle with emotion, great at reading situations but less good at reading people. INFP Meaning, harmony and personal values are at the heart of the INFP. Sensitive, caring and empathetic INFPs are excellent in supporting roles. Deep and private, they do not like being boxed in or constrained by rules.

What is the difference between INFPs and INTPs?

The main difference between INFPs and INTPs is that INTPs have a dominant Introverted Thinking (Ti); they are primarily concerned with making sense of the world, within a logical framework such as understanding how a computer works.

Are INTPs more likely to mistype themselves as F types?

In reality, we may find similar numbers of INTPs and INFPs in both the sciences and humanities. However, I suspect that INTPs studying the humanities are more likely to mistype as F types, and vice-versa for INFPs in the sciences.

What do INP’s talk about?

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What INPs do vocalize are their ideas and the random connections they see in the world around them. They ask why, play devil’s advocate, and look for core motives (INFPs) or accuracy (INTP). Potential is always something they seek.

What kind of questions do INFPs like to ask?

They ask why, play devil’s advocate, and look for core motives (INFPs) or accuracy (INTP). Potential is always something they seek. They’re curious and they enjoy discussing theoretical, abstract topics like philosophy, psychology, art, math, or any number of conceptual or creative ideas.