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Why are some people book smart but not street smart?

Why are some people book smart but not street smart?

Simply put, a person who has book smarts is someone who is intelligent and well educated academically. Street-smart people are unintelligent and incapable of achieving a higher education, but are more passionate and can usually find an answer to a problem through trial and error.

What makes someone book smart?

Book smarts, as I’ve framed it, means someone who is good at following the rules. These are people who get straight A’s, sit in the front, and perhaps enjoy crossword puzzles. They like things that have singular right answers.

What does lack of common sense mean?

adj. 1. (usually of a person) lacking in intelligence, common sense, or just in general awareness; clumsy or idiotic.

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Why is it better to be street smart than book smart?

Being street smart means you have a good environmental or situational understanding. You know what’s going on around you. More importantly, you can see what’s happening around you. You are able to make judgments on the scenario, the place, and people around you, and you are able to trust these personal judgments.

Is book smart a character trait?

Well few people believe Book Smarts are more successful in life. On the other hand, many believe that street smarts achieve more success in life….Book smarts vs street smarts.

Traits/Characteristics Book Smarts Street Smarts
Intelligence High IQ (cognitive intelligence) High EQ (emotional intelligence)

What does not book smart mean?

Book-smart is an adjective describing a person whose knowledge greatly derives from book-learning, as opposed to practical experience, or ‘street smarts’. (It may also be used as a noun, as in, “She has book smarts.”) It may also refer to: Booksmart, a 2019 comedy film.

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Is intelligence common sense?

Common sense is good sense and sound judgement in practical matters, while intelligence is our ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Both common sense and intelligence are qualities we associate with good judgements and decisions we make in life. However, these words are not synonyms.

Are You More “book smart” than “common sense smart?

Here are 10 ways to tell you are more “book smart” than “common sense smart”: 10. Making a cup of coffee sounds like a potentially difficult task (hey, there’s a reason they invented the Keurig). Making honor roll, on the other hand, comes pretty easily.

Do book smarts really help you in the real world?

But book smarts won’t help you that much in the real world. If you’re the kind of person who is brilliant on paper but clueless in real life, you can relate:

Do intelligent people override common sense?

Intelligent people often override common sense with their considerable brain power — but this isn’t always a good thing. Smart people think in situations where they should feel, like in relationships. They may avoid the correct response because it doesn’t seem rational when we all know that life isn’t always rational.

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Can someone have multiple degrees but still have common sense?

Someone can have multiple degrees but can still not still common sense, have are not street smart. Intelligence is the ability to make decisions and learn information, so of ouches someone could be smart and not have common sense. Common sense is not the same as intelligence, it is a skill people can have or don’t.