
Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avatar?

Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avatar?

The description as given in the holy scriptures of the Hinduism implies that this guide should be none other than the Prophet Muhammad (saw) of Arabia. Therefore, the Hindus of the whole world shouldn’t wait any longer for the arrival of kalki Avatar and should readily accept Prophet Muhammad (saw) as Kalki Avatar.

What is written about Muhammad in Bhavishya Puran?

Bhavishya purana crystal clearly mentioned a name of a mleecha (foreigner) : Mahmad. This name is telling definitely name of Prophet Mohamad of Islam.

Who is Kalki according to Islam?

Kalki is born in the village of Shambhala, which he translated as the land full of date trees, Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad Saheb which is full of date palms. Kalki’s father and mother’s name would be Vishnuyash and Sumati, which he translated as god and peaceful woman.

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Is Allah mentioned in Rig Veda?

Naik mentions the two places where there is a usage of the word Allah(swt) in Hindu scriptures: • Word “Ilah” is used in Rigveda Book 2 Hymn I verse II Even in the Rigveda which is the most sacred scripture of the Hindus, one of the attributes given to God Almighty in Book no 2 Hymn no I verse II, is ‘Ila’ which if …

Is Bhavishya Purana fake?

The veracity and authenticity of much of the Bhavishya Purana has been questioned by modern scholars and historians, and the text is considered an example of “constant revisions and living nature” of Puranic genre of Hindu literature.

Is Bhavishya Purana real?

The Bhavishya Purana that we have today is a fake and a medieval forgery. There are no trustworthy or noteworthy predictions in any Hindu scriptures because their teachings were very much rooted in the here and now.

What Vedas say about Prophet Muhammad?

[Atharva Veda 20:129] The Sama Veda contains many prophecies of the advent of Prophet Mohammad. It is found in Sama Veda, II:6,8: Prophet Muhammad’s other name was Ahmed (both are from root letters h, m and d), both words have the meaning the “praised one” except the latter emphasizes a higher degree to it.

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Who is the last messenger of God in Hinduism?

Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) Kalki is the last avatar in the current cycle.

Is Kalki avatar in fact prophet Muhammad?

In fact, the divine book, Holy Qur’aan contains qualities and signs attributed to Kalki Avatar reflecting on the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S). The author has given numerous arguments in favor of his claim that Kalki Avatar is in fact Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S) and those who still await the arrival of Kalki Avatar should think again.

What does the Hindu scriptures say about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

The most popular amongst all the Hindu scriptures is the Bhagavad Gita so lets see what the scripture says about prophet Muhammad (PBUH). “It is in the house of Vishnuyash, the noble soul Brahmana chief of the village called sambhala that Lord Kalki will be incarnated”.

Is the description of avatar found in Hindu holy books of Muhammad?

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One Hindu research professor, in his stunning book, claims that the description of Avatar found in the holy books of Hindu religion is in fact that of the Prophet, Muhammad (S.A.S). A little while ago, in India a fact revealing book has been published, which has been the topic of discussions and gossip all over the country.

Will Kalki avatar be the last messenger of Vishnu?

(according to Islam, prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is also considered the last messenger of god in this world who was sent to guide all human beings). The Vishnu Purana does not say that the Kalki Avatar will be the last messenger. This Purana does say that the Kalki Avatar: