
Why are some people really strong but small?

Why are some people really strong but small?

High strength on a skinny-ass person is caused by the fact that they have more fast-twitch muscle fibers, proportionally, than the other guy. This cannot be increased, although how efficiently you recruit these motor units can be increased, and the amount of motor units that you have can be increased.

Can you look smaller but strong?

Yes, you can be stronger than someone muscular because strength comes from muscle fiber, not from the size but sometimes muscular looks more attractive than someone skinny. if you want to look muscular and strong you can do some strength exercises.

How can someone be skinny and strong?

Part of the reason for skinny, but strong is the number of reps. Too many—12 or more, improves endurance, not bulk. Too few, three reps or fewer, gives you power and strength but not muscle growth. Not working to metabolic fatigue will keep you strong but skinny, too.

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Why do I look muscular but don’t weigh a lot?

To the scale, a pound is a pound. Muscle does not weigh more than fat — but it does take up less space on your body, which is why you might look leaner after building muscle even if your weight doesn’t change.

Can a skinny guy be strong?

Between individuals of the same muscular size, there can be a wide variation in strength as a result. So pick a really strong skinny guy, and a really weak muscular guy, and yes, this is absolutely possible. Imagine a 60kg Olympic weightlifting champion being compared to your average gym bro.

Can strength be genetic?

Genetics impacts all areas of fitness and performance, including muscles and strength. From sprinters who have genes allowing them to develop more fast-twitch muscle fiber to endurance runners with genetics dictating muscle contraction speeds, genes determine our abilities to some degree.

Is it possible to look bigger but weigh less?

It is possible because muscle weighs more than fat and sometimes you may lose muscle but not lose too much body fat and you actually look softer.