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Why are you Always feeling let down by others?

Why are you Always feeling let down by others?

Why You Are Always Feeling Let Down By Others 1. You don’t set boundaries. Personal boundaries are just what they sound – letting others know what is and is not acceptable for you, and what you are and are not willing to do.

What happens to people who put you down?

People Who Put You Down Are Hurt Themselves. The first thing to know is that a happy, self confident person does not put others down. They might provide constructive criticism but they won’t put others down. This tells you a lot about the person who criticizes you.

Are your hopes and expectations ruining your relationship?

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Hopes are easily mistaken for expectations. When you put people or things or relationships on a pedestal, you will constantly be disappointed. People don’t like the pressure this puts on them, and therefore you get hurt. It’s a visicious cycle.

Is it bad to be let down by your parents?

Regardless if it is your parent, spouse, child, friend or even coworker who can’t keep their end of the bargain, being constantly let down sucks. When someone repeatedly lets you down, it can send all sorts of feelings and questions running through your mind.

Is it too late for me to trust anyone?

While this is a great read it is too little too late for me. I have been kicked in the stomach far too many times in my 64 years to trust anyone beyond an arms length. I envy people that have a life with those they can trust, but that is not me. The only person I can trust to tell me the truth when both right or wrong is me.

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Are we doing it all while profoundly unhappy?

But we’re doing it all while profoundly unhappy. Depression is negatively impacting our lives and relationships and impairing our abilities. Our depression may not be completely disabling, but it’s real.