Why did Bruce and Natasha not get together?

Why did Bruce and Natasha not get together?

The romance between Bruce and Natasha fizzled out after “Age of Ultron,” mainly because Bruce/Hulk went flying into space and teamed up with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in 2017’s “Thor: Ragnarok.” MCU fans expected Bruce’s return to earth in “Infinity War” and his reunion with Natasha to resurface the fan-favorite storyline …

Why does he say this is awkward in Infinity War?

He gets into one of those small jets and when widow contacts him he cuts her call and goes off radar so that she couldn’t contact him. And after some years when infinity war takes place, banner and widow meet and things get awkward between them. That’s why falcon said “Awkward”.

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What happened between Bruce and Nat?

Bruce and Natasha’s romance ended when Bruce fled the Earth in a quinjet at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron. He did return in Avengers: Infinity War, but the reunion between Bruce and Natasha was “awkward”, as Rhodey described it.

Why is Bruce Banner so awkward?

It’s because he has split personalities. Himself & his green ego The Incredible Hulk. He would often transition to him whenever he’s angry.

Where is Bruce Banner Natasha Romanoff?

Kolkata, also known as Calcutta, is the capital of the state of West Bengal in India. In 2012, Natasha Romanoff traveled there to recruit Bruce Banner on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D..

Did Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner kiss in age of Ultron?

During Avengers: Age of Ultron, one of the most prominent subplots among the Avengers team was the budding romance between Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner. Not only was Black Widow the only person able to lull the Hulk back into his human form, but the two spent much of the film flirting and even shared a kiss.

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Are Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff still together?

Though the characters Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff are great on their own, there’s no denying that they really just didn’t work together. Because of this, a number of Marvel fans were overjoyed when their romance was seemingly written off by the events of Avengers: Infinity War.

Is there any romance between Bruce and Natasha in Infinity War?

All the Bruce-Natasha romance boils down to in “Infinity War” is a suggestive look the characters give each other when Bruce shows up at Avengers headquarters after his return to earth. The romance is basically an afterthought in “Avengers: Endgame.”

Could Natasha and Bruce Banner have a relationship in the Hulk?

As seen in The Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner is physically unable to perform this kind of need simply based on the fact that he turns into the Hulk whenever he gets too excited. While it’s very possible for a relationship to exist without the physical factor, it’s unlikely that this would be the kind of relationship that Natasha would want.