
Why did chocolate become so popular?

Why did chocolate become so popular?

Chocolate only truly became popular in Europe after they added their own flavorings such as sugar and vanilla, compared to the popular chili peppers added by the mesoamericans. Not many people know this today, but chocolate is made from the beans contained within this cacao fruit.

Why was chocolate only for the rich?

Chocolate continued to be enjoyed by Europe’s wealthy and upper classes as they consumed it for the added health benefits, adding to its popularity. And because it became so popular, European Colonists created plantations in regions where cacao was grown.

Why is chocolate so desirable?

Theobromine thought to make chocolate a mild aphrodisiac – interestingly there is more found in chocolate than any other food! A gentle stimulant, known to increase heart rate, energy and serotonin, the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of love and desire.

Why is chocolate so irresistible?

Scientists have traced the lure of chocolate to a part of the brain called neostriatum, and its production of a natural, opium-like chemical, enkephalin. The researchers also found that enkephalin surged when rats began to eat the candy-coated morsels, according to a Michigan statement.

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What are the dangers of chocolate?

The health effects of chocolate are the possible positive and negative effects on health of eating chocolate. Unconstrained consumption of large quantities of any energy-rich food, such as chocolate, without a corresponding increase in activity, increases the risk of obesity.

What are the bad things about chocolate?

Make you nervous or irritable: cacao contains the stimulants caffeine and bromine , but not in significant amounts in chocolate bars and nibs. Turn you into an addict: chocolate is not addictive. Raise your cholesterol: chocolate contains stearic acid, a neutral fat which doesn’t raise bad cholesterol.

Why does chocolate do your heart good?

Researchers aren’t sure exactly how chocolate helps the heart, but a likely explanation is that compounds in cocoa called flavanols help activate enzymes that release nitric oxide-a substance that helps widen and relax blood vessels. That allows blood to flow through the vessels more freely, reducing blood pressure.