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Why did Daenerys stop wearing blue?

Why did Daenerys stop wearing blue?

This time around, it was a lot more revealing and radiant– she even ditched the Dothraki royal blue completely. Clapton explains that this choice of clothing for Daenerys was made to give her a sense of “removal from reality,” thus making the new Queen of Meereen more untouchable.

Why is Daenerys black?

Daenerys Targaryen Her clothes have often reflected her environment. Daenerys’s Dothraki look. That’s significant because black and red are the Targaryen house colors, and because Daenerys had rarely—maybe never—worn them previously.

Are Daenerys Targaryen and Missandei from Game of Thrones friends?

Whether they are political partnerships, genuine friendships or something more romantic, these relationships are what pushed the show forward into more dramatic territory. One supposedly strong friendship was between Missandei and Daenerys Targaryen. However, there are multiple signs that point to the fact that not everything was as it seemed.

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What happened to Tyrion and Daenerys’ relationship?

Tyrion’s relationship with Daenerys was unhealthy in multiple ways. From their first meeting, the exiled Lannister isolated the young queen from other advisors. Tyrion advises Daenerys to banish Jorah again in season 5’s “Hardhome,” and instructs her to leave Daario Naharis in Meereen during season 6’s “The Winds Of Winter.”

Why didn’t Daenerys appoint Missandei to be the second most important rule?

After going on such a journey together and supposedly being great friends, Daenerys didn’t think to appoint Missandei to the second most important rule in her court. It’s an odd decision but one that showcases how friendly they actually were. As Dany and Missandei matured it’s as if their ideals of what they had been fighting for had changed.

What happened to Daenerys Targaryen after ‘the bells’?

Daenerys’ story culminated in heartbreak when her character descended into villainy during “The Bells.” In the series finale “The Iron Throne,” Tyrion convinces her lover and nephew Jon Snow to kill her after the Targaryen queen declares war on the rest of the world.

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