
Why did Japan believe it was necessary to invade China?

Why did Japan believe it was necessary to invade China?

Seeking raw materials to fuel its growing industries, Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931. By 1937 Japan controlled large sections of China, and accusations of war crimes against the Chinese became commonplace.

How did the destroyers for the bases agreement President Roosevelt signed help Britain and its allies?

Roosevelt signed the Destroyers for Bases Agreement. Under the terms of the Agreement, the United States gave the British 50 obsolete destroyers in exchange for 99-year leases to territory in Newfoundland and the Caribbean. The territories would be used as United States air and naval bases.

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What made it increasingly difficult for President Roosevelt to stay neutral during World was 2?

What made it increasingly difficult for President Roosevelt to stay neutral during World War II? The US froze Japan’s assets and exports. What US action in 1941 angered the Japanese and resulted in the bombing of Pearl Harbor? During the 1930s the United States followed a foreign policy of isolationism.

Why did Japan not respond to the US offer of peace?

Japan did not respond to this offer; consequently the United States Government felt that there would be no useful purpose in making a similar approach to the Chinese Government. Meanwhile, the China “incident” had developed into large-scale military operations as Japan poured men and engines of war into China.

Why didn’t the British Empire colonize China and Japan?

In ways they did, but the primary problem was they were already busy colonizing Australia, New Zealand, the British Raj, and Africa. Along with this vast amount of prior engagement, China and Japan were far more stable and unified than what the European empires were used to colonizing.

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What did the United States do to settle the Japan-China dispute?

On August 10, 1937 the United States Ambassador to Japan, under instructions from the Secretary of State, offered informally to the Japanese Government the good offices of the United States toward the settlement of the controversy between Japan and China.

Why did Japan not participate in the Nine-Power Conference?

Japan refused to participate in the Conference, maintaining that its dispute with China was outside the purview of the Nine-Power Treaty.
