
Why did Malcador sit on the golden throne?

Why did Malcador sit on the golden throne?

So, when the moment of truth came and Horus and Emps had to have their climactic final duel, Malcador sat on the throne in Emps place so he could go fight.

Why is the emperor stuck on the throne?

The Emperor’s deep disappointment with Magnus the Red’s betrayal during the Horus Heresy and his inability to grasp the true dangers of dealing with the entities of the Warp suggests that the Thousand Sons Primarch had been intended by the Emperor to sit upon the throne in His place.

Is Malcador a primarch?

Whatever the truth, Malcador was always considered to be a man possessed of the greatest wisdom and was held in special regard by the Emperor, for he had earned his place alongside the superhuman Primarchs as an advisor to the Emperor.

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Is Malcador the emperor?

Malcador serves as the Emperor’s right hand and the second in command of the Imperium. He was a powerful psyker, second only to the Emperor, and one of the few who knew the truth of the Warp. He was an ageless long-lived perpetual, though unlike most perpetuals who appear in middle age, Malcador always appeared old.

Who has sat on the golden throne?

corpse Emperor of the Imperium
The corpse Emperor of the Imperium sits on his Golden Throne, deep within the bowels of the Imperial Palace.

Is Malcador still alive?

We know that Malcador the Sigillite died sitting on the Golden Throne, keeping demon hordes from re-opening the Webway portal while the Emperor temporally went to slay his son Horus.

How old is Malcador?

The origins of Malcador remain a mystery, and are unknown save to the Emperor himself. According to Malcador himself, by the time of the Horus Heresy he was over 6,700 years old and remembers his date of birth to the second.

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How did Malcador take the golden throne?

Finally, during the climax of the Horus Heresy, the Siege of Terra, it was Malcador who willingly took the Emperor’s place upon the Golden Throne, using his psychic abilities to hold back the tide of Warp -spawn who sought to invade Terra through the extension into the Webway that the Emperor had built beneath the Imperial Palace.

How did Malcador keep the Emperor alive for so long?

Yet, when the mortally-wounded Emperor was returned to the Imperial Palace, Malcador used the last of his life energies to keep the Emperor alive long enough for Him to give His final instructions to the Primarch Rogal Dorn before being interred within the Golden Throne.

Was Malcador a warrior or priest?

Malcador was an exception, for he was not a warrior but a man of learning with the bearing of a priest. From the early years of the Wars of Unification he was ever-present at the Emperor’s side, and did engage in combat with him often using his prodigious psychic talents.

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Why is the Master of mankind called Malcador the hero?

For this act of extraordinary sacrifice that the Sigillite knew would result in his death, the Master of Mankind declared that he was forever after to be known as “Malcador the Hero.”