
Why did Stannis march on Winterfell?

Why did Stannis march on Winterfell?

Stannis certainly wanted the Throne. He attacked Winterfell because Bolton was guarding north for the Lannisters and by capturing it, he would have weakened them. Moreover, if he wouldn’t have attacked Winterfell, he might never be able to reach the King’s Landing (He failed at it anyways).

What does melisandre do to Gendry?

Melisandre starts to seduce Gendry, who has never been around a naked woman before and is easily overwhelmed, but she’s actually just trying to get his blood moving. As soon as she does, she ties him up and puts leeches on him to collect his blood for a dark ritual.

Why did Stannis claim the north for the north?

By claiming the North it gave Stannis more legitimacy as he seen it. It also gave him access to valuable resources which he badly needed, especially more men. Melisandre who also directed Stannis’ thoughts and actions so she would’ve also persuaded him that he needed to go to Castle Black to defend it against the God…

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Why did Stannis Baratheon want Jon to take Winterfell?

He wanted Jon to take Winterfell so that he would have a foothold in the North, the largest region in the kingdom. This enabled him to continue his fight beyond the wall while having someone he trusted as Lord of Winterfell. By claiming the North it gave Stannis more legitimacy as he seen it.

Why did Stannis ask Jeor Mormont for aid?

Stannis was answering Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch Jeor Mormont’s call for aid against Mance Rayder’s attack. He took both Davos Seaworth and Melisandre’s advice that to sit the Iron Throne he must earn the Iron Throne.

Can Stannis Baratheon take King’s landing?

Stannis Baratheon has just been soundly defeated at the Battle of the Blackwater, and with the Tyrells allied with the Lannisters, there is no conceivable way for him to take King’s Landing. While Melisandre wanted to sacrifice “king’s blood” to change Stannis’ fortunes, Davos reminded him that a true king protects his people.

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