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Why did Thanos skin color change?

Why did Thanos skin color change?

It wasn’t deliberate. Marvel was not sure about the skin tone of Thanos, so they kept changing it, until they found the skin color appearing in Infinity War as satisfying. Thanos has been played by more than one actor since he debuted in Marvel’s The Avengers. Josh Brolin is the only actor who’s played Thanos longer.

Is Thanos a purple Hulk?

Thanos is an Eternal, born on Saturn’s moon of Titan. He is also a mutant, being subject to the Deviant Syndrome, which explains his purple appearance while the other Eternals look more like normal humans.

What happened to Thanos’ skin color in Infinity War?

His skin was more of a reddish-purple and he sported a purple and gold helmet with full body armor, looking very much like a king. In Infinity War, though, that reddish hue almost looks pink and the regal armor and helmet are gone. Even his eye color has changed from a glowing bluish purple to something less defined.

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Why is Thanos pink in the comics?

This adds to the fear factor. You know, because it looks like a skinned human. As for more exact reasons why Thanos is pink other than design purposes, it could be that in outer space or in atmospheres outside Earth’s Thanos’ skin has a bluish look to it but in Earth’s atmosphere]

Why does Thanos still have that wacky Chin?

Aitken did point out that it was necessary to keep the character recognizable, which is why the Infinity War version of Thanos still has that “wacky chin” and purplish skin. Even Netflix had something to say about Thanos’ new design, giving voice to fans who thought the CGI in Infinity War did not do the character justice.

How many Infinity Stones does Thanos have?

After several smaller roles, it was in Avengers: Infinity War that audiences and the MCU heroes got a real sense of what Thanos could do. It took several years, but Infinity War saw Thanos finally acquire all six Infinity Stones.