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Why did the Pandavas share a wife?

Why did the Pandavas share a wife?

Arjuna was the only one besides Karna who was capable of winning Draupadi’s hand. Without seeing what her sons had brought, Kunti instructed the five Pandava brothers to share the alms among them (Draupadi). The five brothers had never disobeyed their mother. So, Draupadi had to marry each of the five brothers.

Who is most beautiful wife of Arjuna?

Draupadi played an exceptional role in the second half of Mahabharata. Arjuna acquired Draupadi at her “Swayamvara” and finally she became the common wife of all the five Pandavas. She worshipped and admired Sri Krishna who rescued her from humiliation when she was being undressed in the assembly of Kauravas.

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Who is bheema Favourite wife?

What an obvious question! Of course, Bhima’s favorite wife was Draupadi. Kunti accepted Hidimba’s marriage proposal under the condition that he will go back to his family once they get a child.

Why did Pandavas appear after 13 years in every calculation?

But Pandavas themselves were believing Solar calculation so they appeared when they completed 13 years in every calculation. As you can see, difference is due to Adhik Masa, Lunarcalculation and Solarcalculation.

Why were the Pandavas forced to be in exile for 13 years?

After Yudhisthira succumbed to Shakuni’s challenge in the game of dice, the Pandavas were forced to be in exile for 13 years, which included one year in anonymity. Indra had promised Arjunan to give him all his weapons sensing an impending war with the Kauravas, on the condition that he obtain the Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva.

What happened to the five Pandavas and their common wife?

So the five Pandavas and thier common wife,The Draupadi left to the path of liberation.For this purpose they all climbed the Meru Mountain which leads them to the Swarga Loka. Unfortunately on their way, they slipped and died one by one.

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Why did Kauravas go to swarga and Pandavas to Naraka?

It explains the complexity of karma. This aspect of life and karma is beautifully explained in this ever confusing question that why Kauravas instead of their bad deeds get a place in Swarga (heaven) and Pandavas went to Naraka (hell). After the war ended, the Kauravas lose and the Pandavas win and rule over Hastinapur for over 36 years.