
Why did the room cost 6 million?

Why did the room cost 6 million?

He said he got the money for “The Room” by importing and selling South Korean made leather jackets. The budget for the movie was listed as 6 million dollars, and it grossed $5,600 the first weekend it came out.

How much money did the room make in total?

4.978 million USD
The Room/Box office

How much did the room cost?

6 million USD
The Room/Budget

How did Tommy wiseau afford to make the room?

Where did he get his money? Mr. Wiseau paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for an infamous billboard advertising “The Room” that stayed up in Los Angeles for years, and he has said he funded the $6 million movie through his leather-jacket and real estate businesses.

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How much was spent making the room?

How did Tommy wiseau have so much money?

Sestero asserts that Wiseau subsequently moved to San Francisco, California, where he worked as a street vendor selling toys to tourists near Fisherman’s Wharf. He eventually purchased and rented out large retail spaces in and around San Francisco and Los Angeles, making him independently wealthy.

How much did the Blair Witch Project cost to make?

The Blair Witch Project is terrifying to the audience but a pleasant delight to the filmmakers who did it. The 1999 independent horror movie was cheap to shoot, and it made a ton of money. The movie grossed $248.6 million worldwide after costing less than $800,000 to make.

How much did the movie Rocky cost to make?

The movie had a $4.5 million production budget, and $124.8 million was its net profit. Rocky is a sports drama classic that touches the audience’s heart like no other. Released in 1976, written and starring Sylvester Stallone, the movie follows the journey of a kind-hearted, working-class boxer working as a debt collector.

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How much did it cost to make the movie Super Size Me?

The movie cost $65,000 to make, and it earned $22.2 million at the box-office. At the time, the documentary generated a big impact, and it raised a lot of questions about the veracity of Spurlock’s calorie intake.

How much did the 1999 independent horror movie ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ cost?

The 1999 independent horror movie was cheap to shoot, and it made a ton of money. The movie grossed $248.6 million worldwide after costing less than $800,000 to make. Though there’s some controversy regarding the final budget, which varies from 200 to 750 thousand depending on the source, it’s undeniable that the profit was remarkable.