Tips and tricks

Why did they change the appearance of Thanos?

Why did they change the appearance of Thanos?

Unlike other cases within the MCU, recasting Thanos had nothing to do with conflicts with the actor or their schedules, and it was instead a creative decision. The moviemakers decided to tease Thanos in the post-credit scenes but due to the Infinity being at an opening stage, there was no one to cast.

Why did Thanos look different in Avengers?

Thanos, however, drew the shorter stick and inherited the Deviant gene, still diluted in the Eternals and capable of emerging from time to time. That’s why Thanos looks like a giant purple guy; Thanos’ Deviant gene deformed his appearance.

Did the snap affect the Eternals?

While Thanos’s infamous Snap supposedly dusted half the universe’s population, there’s a good reason why it didn’t affect the Eternals.

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How did Thanos get his look in Infinity War?

The look of Thanos took a brand new form starting with Avengers: Infinity War. Josh Brolin did motion and performance capture for the film and its sequel to bring Thanos to life like never before. The advancements in CGI and mo-cap technology in the years after Avengers: Age of Ultron allowed Thanos to look incredible throughout his starring role.

Why is Thanos’ facial structure different in ‘the Avengers’?

The decision to replace him with Josh Brolin for future appearances is one of the main reasons why Thanos’ facial structure is different here compared to his future roles. Thanks to Poitier, The Avengers ‘ Thanos has more defined cheekbones and a more pronounced chin. This version of Thanos also has more of a pinkish skin.

How many Infinity Stones does Thanos have?

After several smaller roles, it was in Avengers: Infinity War that audiences and the MCU heroes got a real sense of what Thanos could do. It took several years, but Infinity War saw Thanos finally acquire all six Infinity Stones.

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Did you know Thanos was not the first MCU villain teased by Marvel?

It was the first time in MCU, when a villain had beaten the Earth’s mightiest heroes, successfully collecting all the Infinity Stones and wiping half of the universe with a snap of his fingers. But do you know, Avengers: Infinity War was not the first film when Marvel teased Thanos in MCU.