Why did Tony and Bruce create vision?

Why did Tony and Bruce create vision?

Vision was the Ultron that Tony Stark had in mind in the first place. Tony Stark, again, convinced the ever-persuadable Bruce Banner to help him behind the backs of the rest of the Avengers to create an A.I. that was all that he had originally aspired to create.

Why did Wanda make Tony take the scepter?

How it helps tear the Avengers apart: This vision plays on Stark’s somewhat narcissistic fear that he’s the only one capable of saving the world. Scarlet Witch knows this fear could be Stark’s undoing, which is why she lets him take Loki’s scepter, which houses the Infinity Stone.

Why did they create Vision?

The Vision is an android (sometimes called a “synthezoid”) built by the villainous robot Ultron created by Hank Pym. Originally intended to act as Ultron’s “son” and destroy the Avengers, Vision instead turned on his creator and joined the Avengers to fight for the forces of good.

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What does Thor see in his vision?

Thor had two visions in Age of Ultron – one courtesy of Scarlet Witch, the other from immersion in the magical ‘Water of Sights’. He sees four of the Infinity Stones (Time and Soul not having appeared in the MCU at this point) and the outline of Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet, and hears Ultron warn of “extinction”.

Did Wanda see Tony’s vision?

well because she showed him a vision in which his team died due to his negligence towards safety of earth.. Due to the dream , Tony aimed to make something strong by the sceptre to protect his team and earth which she (wanda) wanted..

How did Tony create Vision?

The Avengers capture a synthetic body created by Ultron for himself, powered by the Mind Stone. Stark and Bruce Banner upload J.A.R.V.I.S. as the core software for that body. After a brief fight with other Avengers, who disagree with this effort, Thor uses his lightning to power its completion, creating The Vision.

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Does ‘Infinity War’ have a post-credits scene?

Yes, “Avengers: Infinity War” does contain one post-credits scene that’s at the very end of the credits. There is no additional scene midway through the credits as most Marvel movies do — just the one at the very end of the credits. And the credits are so long that it should be safe…

Who won in the Infinity War endings?

In the Infinity War ending, the Avengers try to stop him, eventually killing Vision in order to destroy the Mind Stone inside his head. But Thanos simply uses the Time Stone to reverse the process and gain all six stones. MORE: An Old Marvel Villain Makes a Surprising Cameo in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos has won.

What happened to Hawkeye at the end of Infinity War?

The characters who remain at the end of Infinity War offer a clue about the plot of Avengers: Endgame. The entire original Avengers team — with the possible exception of Hawkeye, who is curiously missing from the entire film — survived Thanos’ attack.

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How did Thanos get all six stones in Infinity War?

In the Infinity War ending, the Avengers try to stop him, eventually killing Vision in order to destroy the Mind Stone inside his head. But Thanos simply uses the Time Stone to reverse the process and gain all six stones. MORE: An Old Marvel Villain Makes a Surprising Cameo in Avengers: Infinity War