
Why did two different political parties develop in the United States?

Why did two different political parties develop in the United States?

Political factions or parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787. Friction between them increased as attention shifted from the creation of a new federal government to the question of how powerful that federal government would be.

Why did two political parties form in the United States during the 1790s?

The political parties of the 1790s emerged because of disagreements over three main issues: the nature of government, the economy and foreign policy. By understanding these disagreements we can begin to understand the conditions that allowed for the origin of the two-party system in the United States.

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Why does the United States have a two-party system?

The major goal of a political party is to win elections and to govern. So the fundamental reason why United States have a two-party system is that because a third or a fourth parties outside of the two mainstream parties cannot win.

What are American political parties like?

American political parties are unstable assemblies of groups and funding sources with diverse, though overlapping interests. Groups have moved from one party to another and back. (Republican neoCons were “Warhawk Democrats” in 1968, for example.) In general, most factions regardless of party have considerable overlap wi

Is there a difference between the policies of the two parties?

There is of course a difference in the rhetoric of the two parties. There is also a difference in the bases the two parties draw on. But it’s not obvious that these differences translate into differences in public policy.

Do we need a third party in America?

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Both of America’s political parties are run by corporations. So it doesn’t matter which you vote for, the results will be the same. You equally hear that we need a third party that will be ideologically pure and immune from influence by special interest money. Good points all.